Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois (2024)



Clnba. Hotels, and Ileatanranta. Continued from preceding page. Pharmacist. PHARMACIST Professions and Trades.

TRUCK MECHANICS MACHINE dishwashers and bus boys White Professions and Trades. or colored. Experienced or we train, worn north and In loop. Apply O'CONNELL'a. Wanted.

Exc. workg. cond. 48 hr. wk.

miscellaneous. MEN IS TO 50 YEARS OF AGE Background with high type clientele and Union scale. See Mr. Bonn. Olson Transpor-1 merchandising managerial ability: nne oiin.

EAST tiKAND. SFWING machine ad'uster Defense, work: opportunity; food transportation. latum 2222 s. western. Offices ol Lohby Drug Co.

and Croydon ir.Cjt.a-av. TRUCKER and carloader Annly 8 a. m. to- Miscellaneous. MEN FOB PART TIME WOES.

Every day after school. If you s-e. employed and have your time free day after school you can earn extra hv promoting the sale of the Satur-IBS' Evening Po-t through bort- must hue ir; salnrv St per day. Men living writ call Colombo. 'tto.

Men living south fsll Al-erilren ft Men living iioilh a 1 1 hrv.ione t.iji) for atipoiniuieiiia. Drug 153 NT. Clark. Room. SOU.

I'arm and uardea Help. lay. w. Illinois. SILK screen eteneal cutter and snueeeee operator.

Soot art exierience. Steady nork. No previous experience nec RELIABLE man for modern poultry farm 'ri cx portunity. Kmhosograf 1916 Salesmen. SPECIALTY MEN One-call closers.

This Is really the baud wason on a permanent basis. Look at these weekly earnings selling our educational service: W. K. ii. A.

Y. W. Now don't let these relatively high figures fool yen: you don't have to bn a masiclau. Any good, hard working smIc.h-mau should earn a high income. You will be furnished with qualified calls and will not be asked to do any canvassing.

Remuneration la advance commission on MEN BOYS essary; factory work, includ state qualifications age. salary expected. RAILROAD Freight truckers, car cleaners, trnck laborers, roundhouse and shop laborers and other miscellaneous help. ir.cMii-aT Lnri. f324.

Address A 41'-. Tribune. ing linnd and automatic Si.Jv -rren operators Wit Ij some American Its). W. Fifth-avenue.

I natlers, Chauffeurs, Housem*n, Etc. WOMEN GIRLS trucking, paper and book HOUSEMAN for private resilience tn Chicago. 5E0W CARD WRITER n1 fist paper man. JVf -d floor.

nandv man well experienced in house ciean-in ir. able to drive car and look after lawn. Aged 16 to Years TRADE SCHOOLS MEN. TURRET LATHE SIS weekly: good room and board Inr-1 handling, elevator operating and truck loading. Inside clean work requiring strong STTTCHING ROOM FOREMAN THOROUGH Good Pay While Learning to nisnea.

single man preierred. state nationality, experience, where formerly em Apply In Person LY ACQUAINTED WITH PRODUCTION AND QUALITY MANUFACTURING OF ployed, references, and telephone Dumber. aianed orders. C-0-D-E Fill Permanent "Key" Positions ROOM I5j8. 20 N.

WACKERDR. Address, Tribune; able-bodied men. Good WIRE. SEMI DRESS. AND U.

S. ARMY TRft MUST r.K CAPABI.K or COOK-VALKT Experienced man'a man. I IA." i ii wages. Close to all transpor nciik in Due to the war and the drain upon man TRAINING AND HANW.IV PRODUC OPERATOR EXPERIMENTAL ASSEMBLY MACHINIST quired, l'hone Mr. Davia, Delaware til 0(1.

power, you. too. can start tomorrow in TIVE PERSONNEL. FACTORY IN SOUTH PENN. R.

R. Room 400, 323 W. Polk-st. MAN White: wbo can cook and drive ear: WRITE. GIVING REFERENCES AND reis.

req. a. jaicnman. Moom solid career that will endure after the war. If you have averaee ability and tudiisirv.

you will advance rapidly into cood payina positions. The Forum Cafeterias. a stronelv Clnba, Hotels, and Itestaorants. LLL PARTICULARS. ADDRESS 31.

TRIBUNE. tation. Day and night work. R. R.

DONNELLEY A Sons Company, 2123 Columet-avenuo financed national company, now offers ex ASSISTANT MANAGER Kalioual research onjanization interpreting government controls for business, lias position in sales dept. in Chicago area. Work calls for highest type iiitaiiKitiln sales ability in accustomed to meeliiig executives. Excellent fut urn ami riming, lnleiibt-Ing work. Draw If desired.

Car nei-essary. CALL RANDOLPH FOR APPT. WK WANT 60 COOK 1 NTRl TO WO It IN (II II I.AIIIlKA lOKItS Code Instructors and Operator, are In great demand by Air Lines. Marine and all branch' of our Arsiv. YOU CAN GET A HIGH PFED TKAt7-INi OK TEN WEEKS HKKK IN LABORATORIES ON THE LATFsy UNDER THE 1ION OF CODE EXPERTS DAYS Oil EVENINGS START AT ONCE A I'll.

IN AMUR. TELEVISION LABORATORIES. 4C3 EAST ERIE-STREET WHERE THE SIGNAL COUP TK tlN Must be A-l with at leant 6 years' expert- ct'ittiotial oiinortuiiiiina to while women STITCHING ROOM FOREMAN THOROUGH- and men. People must alwavs call So the fnce. American citizen.

Own good wl of tool. IT AtyfAINTED WITH PRODUCTION work Is steady and the iy Is sure. The rapidly crowinc restaurant business Clous tolerance work from blueprints. RAILROAD AND Wl AI.1TY MANUFACTURING UK Wi.RK. SEMI DRESS.

AND U. S. ARMY is nieallv muted for women lo till responsible positions. Ace ts no handicap. Expe rience is not a factor.

Even if you have SHIRTS. MIST CAPABLE Of TRAIN family, you can slill carry on a normal freight handlers, machinists' ING AND HANDLING PRODUCTIVE Continental Can Inc. 7600 S. RACINE A V. Apply between 8.

m. and ft p. m. daily except Saturday and Sunday. faniilv life at hom*o and earn bir pay.

ton PI KENNEL FACTORY IN SOUTH. NOTICE The hours are easy, only hours a day. fl days a week: some part-time positions are SMALL Defemise WRITE. GIVING REFERENCES AND A BIG MESSAGE In Small Type. T0DNGER AND OLDER MEN: America's oldest national restaurant Institution, operating over forty units in Chioaco alone, oilers you exceptional opportunity ttetter-than-avei-ase atartinr salary with plenty of chance to qualify for advancement and Increased earnings.

Not duration Job but permanent opportunity. Uniforms furnished and laundered. Eirht-hour day and paid vacations. Experience, unnecessary. PERSONNEL.

DEPT. Men, who have sold business specialties, service, securities, insurance, bunks, and available. Rapid Advancement! FULL PARTICULARS. ADDRESS 23. TRIBUNE.

SLtPfOVER CUTTERS. intangibles, a world's lamest corporation of its kind is introducing a brand new exclusive business and historical unit, stream lined to fit the. trend of this busy day and Yes. you men and women. 16 to 60.

ran helpers, roundhouse laborers, bridge and building helpers, storehouse laborers, car cleaners, track laborers. Apply B. Q. R. R.

co bigbe.t piw-es paid. awe. r.ew men this week: CS earned Arc WELDING Qz3 Men and Women Needed Learn in FIVE WF.EK9. any time frora 1:30 a. m.

to midnight. Saturday. Sundays. Plenty of lobs in vital War Industries) building ships, tanks, etc. phone or come in for FREE facts.

Inf. drt. Open Eves. Until 9. Sun.

1 1-4 Utilities Institute DlVersev Kd.I.t. 1.11 1 lie Idea av. One block south fit Fullerton. now start with us in transfer and counter work. But our rate of advancement is 10 Co a.9 w.

Washington. comm. in 4 days: tr earned over 51 comm. in 4" days. Ko suspense.

Sales to If times faster than it was before the war I So. if you will try for promotion, you will be advanced rapidly Into our POT WELDERS, irrrvi rXF WELDERS. VULCANTZERS Day or tilts. Full or part every dav Ve show you how its done bv Mules demonstration in Held. Virgin time.

H14 E. 7th-streel. ffTCP HE! Efer. or inexperienced. bake shop and kitchen, or aa cltcckTa.

recorders, supervisors, cashiers and olhce teiriiorv. io competition. Come in and in WANTED k'M WELL 22l'. Sen W.H Campliell. SI.1 S.Dearliorn.ltni ll Room 308.

360 N. Clark at. Room 200 547 W. Jackson Help Business Keep Going SPHAYEHS-VVHINKLE SALESMEN PERMANENT TOP WAGES See Letto Paragon Die Casting Co. 5S51 W.

Dickens-av. ACTIVE, middle axed, experienced restaurant Marhlne repair men. bench lathe, turret lathe, grinder operators. Cincinnati center-less criiidrr operators and Cleveland automatic setup men: machine shop experience Txr-i wags Incentive plan: paid real Now. no one should be idlel You can heln maintain a sound, domestic "Ficht- Ir.v.i orrrtime: 100r war work: man lo operate fountain luncheonette in loop.

Only capable, active man with Al references need apply. Call State 446U for ap- inr" economy; you can heln business keep a in oie'iiiics. e-wnuai. ii now empiovea in war worn. salary, drawing acct- commission.

Lile insurance Co. in Chicago over 70 yrs. Better education and business experience essential. DiKiufied selling plan. Lead v.T-r 2127 Prairie.

aoing to pay taxes, buy war bonds and bur them vnnrself from rood nay. mgnest skill, do not apply. ADDRESS 600. TRIBDNB. SPRAYERS system.

Pension at aue Kit. ne are Pre Don't worry "whether von can do It." pared to pay a price for a man with these WANTED Auto hatterr breakers. Good pay ca furniture: steady: rood pay. Don wonder whether this opportunity "is for you." It IS lor you If you do ouaiificaiioii. nle.

fully for peisuual ap poi ntment. Attention, Bus Boys GOOD WAGES AND MEALS. ISBELL'S, 590 Diversey COLORED MEN s. Michigan. poiiiimeiii or no consideration.

Address 631. Tribune. YF Exwi on wood finishes: steady. ilir.AL, NMAIj lu. 3223 W.

Fillmore. WAREHOUSE MAN 18 to 50 years. Shipping Aptiiy racy for work. Parkholme Display A REAL LIVE BOOK DEAL platform work. Day and Cc.

"on PORAY. 3345 W. Grand-av. BARTENDER 6 reliable. Will pay extra Wa give a mammoth 13 pound Webster'a something about It.

tomorrow I THE FORUM Cafeteria 64 W. Madison for tool ideel warehouse. Shipping- and re-reiving preferred; steady posi- NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY Yg. Men for Pressroom Work Hours 12 P. M.


4601 Belmont-av. non us lor nent man. Apply s- p. m. night.

Apply Employment fFSATERS AND SPRAYERS' HELPERS. 744 S. Dearborn. $53 STARTS YOU Train now in week, at America's aircraft training school for IMMEDIATE BIG PAY JOBS IN CHICAGO Day or Evening Training AMERICAN AIRCRAFT INSTITUTE All offices open 9 A. M.



12 S. K0STNER AVENUE. iuu. goou salary. ADDRESS 228.

TRIBUNE. i -na bridged Dictionary as a premium with three popular magazines for 25c weekly. Each deal pays Stf comm. We work 3 to 4 hrs. daily and average an order an hour.

Field training. See Sales Manager. 1-3 BARTENDER for bowline; alley. EXPERIENCED IN WRINKLE. SQUEEGEE OPERATORS J4j v.

oin-st. ad nuor. Alternoons. WASHING MACHINE SERVICE MAN. 41S MA1J1MU.N-S.1.

BARTENDER Honest, reliable, sober. Good Office, 8 A. M. 465 W. Cermak-rd.

Bring birth certificate The Cuneo Press, Inc. V. m. 1SS W. Randolph.

Km. 1325. OX SCREENS 1.TJ5 CICERO. TvTF.TN" WATCHM KR. Skilled to take com pi.

SALESMEN iiue. oi waicn repair uepi. in nurn-raile store. Perm, pnxition. Salnrv in koninir with ability.

Phone Jules Alexander. Sher with reliable heating company: drawing wages. inarzano B. iiiKA w.

BUS BOYS DISHWASHERS KITCHEN MEN STEEL, HELPERS ARC WELDERS OVERTIME acci. and bonus: rapid advance MEN Restaurant work. No Snndavs. CARDER S. 118 N.

DEARBORN. LABORERS man notpi. alter p. until edneday ment. Apply between 3 and p.

m. Ask nr i r. r. jrwfiir. Marion, ma.

White; for loading platform For loon bank cafeteria. Full time and! MEN 18 to 45: for waiter work, counter- lor Air. 'Nelson. HOLLAND FURNACE S. Ashland avenue.

WATCHMAKERS AND MANUFACTURING Keily-O'Leary Steel Work3 pari i i. imc n.d idinr ir mmhj ipnii-. men. or gnu worK. txpenenccd or inex JtivtLfcHS wanted-57 to 9100 per week for qualified workmen.

Write M. W. Davis Uniforms and meals furnished. Gd. work perienced.

Work north and in loon. 5TS7 W. 6.iTH-ST. rtn a. m.

to 5 p. m. WANTED ing conditions. No Sunday or holiday Apnlv O'CON NELL'S. 422 EAST (RAND.

jeweiera. Las vegas. jvev. wora. Apply sail M.

ClarK-st ana 8 a. ro. to p. m. Former Inslallment salesmen or contact puller paid by the week.

NIGHT CLERK Steady work. Union scale KEESHIN MOTOR EXPRESS CO. 221 W. Roosevelt-road APPLY 9 TO 12 NOON Boys Bus Boy Waiters STEEL WORKERS Track Laborers Highest wages, 7 days per leading laundry. iZ0 s.

Western. WOODWORKERS men. for west side. Prefer one who speaks Polish. Roliemian.

etc. Special assignment for capable man to represent high grade mere, eslah. Guaranteed good salarv and For Must know bookkeeping and switchboard. Hours Jl p. m.

to 7 a. Dishwashers and Porters fco know tbeir way around a eteel flant. Ton wage. Steady war Mvle. per mo.

7iil washington-hlvd. and general restaurant belp. Good perma Machine hands, trim saw. auto shatters. comm.

to start. an hi main onice. 1U to NIGHT clerk For hotel work: single: middle week. Saginaw 7555 between and 5. u-noners.

oacKers. sprayers, nnismna; help i'ershmg-rd. 143 w. Chicaeo. Lincoln nent positions open.

Linen and meals furnished. Good salary. Day or night bours. agco: preferred: good salary and apt. Apply I Pay After Graduation 30 days qualifies you for bsg pay WELDING CERTIFIED U.

GOVT. COURSE Our method an! tetmtf lalraiory you for a better ot. our 41 yrr" -osts Inl more ii. -rir of phone for free booklet; "Welders MEN aico neiners. Butler Specialty.

8200 So. Cblcago-av. riiHti VHninrop-av. ST0CKR007A MAN Apply at WALTER P. POWERS.

nil.VI W. MADISON ST. NIGHT CLERK Familiar with transcript and National mfr. will employ 3 men as sales Warehouse Laborers WOODWORKERS Energetic men to operate vending trucks in Near North Side ilclense plant: inside work: no cxiM-rience required; older men considered: excellent pay; opportunity tor XP. TN MACHTNERT: STEADY WORK.

reiireneiilativcs for Chicago territory. oi swiicnnnam: permanent: salary open. BUS BOY rsniriet maker and machine hands. Gd. pay llllen.lll lll pnrttiiiny to earn IMHI on S.

California. advancement. Applicants must bring birth PACKAGE man Part time, deliver in hotel. White: good salary, meals, tips, and nnl pcrii'iilaae oasis. Apparel neiii.

Mil. SPIUNUEK. FKAiiklnt 0707. I-ieniy oi overtime lime ami one-ball. OLACH-HANZL f*ckXITI'RE 3.19 N.

lakley-et. Monroe 75 Openings for men able to do heavy warehouse work. Apply a. m. Hours 11 a.

m. to a P. m. Salary Jr mo. forms: no Sundays or holidays.

Anplv STf" and re-eivinr clerk Light mfc: ex- MACHINE SHOP certificates, or 2d papers: $20 weekly. 2' commission on sales: weekly bonus: meals and uniforms free. Days or nights. Inquire ami hps. freter man over 4i.

Meau.v parts desired, proof of ciu- wiso nemo. BismarcK Hotel Cotfee Shoo Motel Pearson. Itllt E. Pearson. SALES ENGINEER SALARY $5,000 A YEAR WOODWORKERS and tool and die.

Special Lathe course ee'r y. woon. PANTRY man Experienced: nights; 535. si At Aluhr. iu the tale teria.

10-11 a. m. Employment Oflii'e. Stewart-Warner Corn. S35: nulling machine.

S'-io. shaper. 5.o. In. AiiTo 8U BUS BOYS-COLORED Starting salary S'JO and meals.

HELSING S. 14 X. State. Want several experienced machine opera and tool crib. Young man for I unie jacK Kestaurant.

w. Madison. Will train: take charge of territory: sell rust preventives to established accounts: Reinaeraiion. Air Condi dav eaur tool ra tocl mtg. Co.

Good opport. for I tors ana several neipers. Apply 1750 K. LAWNDA LE. Woodworkers finish kri.

BUS BOYS White or colored. Colonnade wonderful opportunity and future. Address PORTER Experienced In drug store Apply Ifift N. Clark-street. room.

riiHiBwATKK UEACII HOTEL. 63 IU til. Tribune. good salary. Air.

rslt Fabrication. Motors. (in ria Su.ce-sftil Graduates Et I'M'" Gr-r Shoii Traimni. Wjt.asii. tipeii Sunday.

1 Phone al. 4' Expd. hand tools, bench work: hand sand- T-l-r. Kay avlU. SUPERVISOR Chip and Scrap Metal Dept.

loom -iiii. MEN OVER 55 era, finishing patetier. also beginners. The I 11 '( I -I Un It I 1 1. u-i Mie.K I IMN-IIIIAU, BUS ROYS JI4II W1LSON-AV.

ASK FOR MRS. PACK. WIEB0LDTsS 2631 W. Arthington RS AND TRUCK LOADERS No exp. neiessary; steady employment; exc.

trans. See Mr. Madgwick. I a. p.

m. WILSON CO. Wholesale Market 41CO S. Ashland-av. Porters and Dishwashers COLORED PORTERS Mrs.

Snyders Candies 9 N. Wabash Apply After A. M. PLASTICS Colored, to work In loop restaurant. Apply WOODWORKERS, sawyers, bench bands.

With Industrial insurance experience, to sell industrial and ordinary insurance. Guaranteed salary plus comm. Apply 3455 W. 2d floor. BUS boy and all around work No Sunday.

To sipernse men In separating, crush-jre and washing s-rai metal lrom s-jrew ruachine. Must be capable of aacime men and assume responsibilnv of helpers Apply ready lor work, l'arkliulnie xriangie Kestaurant. 1114 w. Kandolpn oiu jr. jjearnorn.

tn noor. Display boo h. independence-boulevard. PORTER White or exp. or beginner.

BUS bo.r for hotel dining room See Miss t-e c.rartment. defense plant. When I WDWRKNG. mach. hands and helpers Give a.

pay; no Sundays or holidays. Miss Mau's Restaurant. 3215 W. Harrison. nav.

iraemere noiei. w. Washington. srate ac. draft status, ana expe- wages.

Address 337. Tribune. Ad-ir'ts XX 330. Tnbune SOUTH SIDE MEN CARVERS AND PORTERS. APPLY 725 ROOSEVELT-ROAD.

PORTER Delivery; drug store: no Sunday erRFACE mn-lers To close tolerances; ft worK goon pay wan lunches, tinuo W. CASHIERS iri- a 5 p. to 4 :30 a. 65 hr. li.xr.o.s i.i.? '810 W.

Adlison-street. UnUlllei men. 17 55. needed now for war work as maiiit. niacliitio and HOUSE TO HOUSE Man wauled.

Phone I.akeview 5077 for interview. Will place North ami Northwest side: salary and guaruntie bams. Mdse. acids, opened. Call a.

lo noon. SubstHtitiitl Weekly Salary Plus Commission for Polish speaking man to collect established insurance route. Itnnd required. Age 3(1 to till. Address Tribune.

PORTER OI.OltKl): 411-5(1 for north side laborers. Good Irans. Olio, tor steady cm Must be neat and pleasant: steady employment Willi well established firm: night TAILOR LABORERS Tlic per time overtime, vacation, with puy- seniority rights; insurance and other lieiielils: steady work in food war industry; surface ami 1. trans. AGAR PACKING A PROVISION 4(157 UNTON-AV.

residential hotel: salary SS( mo. Apply OFFERS YOU A PERMANENT CASEEi VISIT America's foremost Institution devoted -clusivelv to leaching all phases vl PLASTIC INSTITUTE 221 LA SALLE STREET Central S373 Open it to FEHKUAKY LASS NOW K'lUXIN'. Home SIlKlv Course. Aio Anil-CJie LTeABFtHE'BEST PAYING of All Skilled Trades Tool and Hie Making Machinist Tr-ile. Day or Night laui on Actual -ic- Work.

Larnest and Finest Eou.pned- Low 1 o-t Terms. Fire Employment FREE HOOK. sliou. Lnv or ploYiuent. Apply 8 a.

in. -2 p. Monday auer a. m. hill l.

Kr -S f. work. See Mrs. tleanev between a. ni.

n- ens on ft' coats and suits. auu p. m. tilrouch rrnlav. THE COLUMBIA MILLS.

121IMI S. PKORIA-STREET. PORTER Experienced: day-; meals Ali'I-Y THE KOMISS N. STATE ST. PIXLEY EHLERS ami uniiorm.

Apply OY w. 1 4 E. LAKE-ST. ROOM UltlO. FACTORY HELPER PORTER and dishwasher Apply 10 a.

sIlXR an-! j.reer Edgebrook Cleaners and goon wages, yuiiicy mi. 10 w. Ijike-sl. MEN OVER 3S. Positions with weekly financing: min.

CHEF Short order, white, open kifeh V-rt hmxua. Kildare 14. Call FOR WORK IN SIllPPfNG ROOM: 40 HOURS. PUTS OVERTIME: VACATIONS Become Machine Operator Have you machine ability and the determination to become a skilled machine operator on automatic screw machine? If so laeic spraii. e.

47111-st. All. ltma. PORTER Colored: 2I week and board. Ap- i ouola plus comma.

I no drawing account I. open lo handle roof coaling lor reliable WITH PAY: PROMOTIONS POSSIBLE. I preer Clearing store COLORED MEN For porter work and dish washing. wrue. giving full particulars about your HI VT.


2h Broadway. factory In live market. Address 33. Tribune. NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED.

U. S. Electrical Motors, Inc. 150O S. WESTERN-A V.

MON. 6520 past exp. age. nationality, etc. Nomina Testers and Inspectors MEN WANTED For established routea on pay while learning.

Address 371. Tribune. DE METS, 312 W. MADISON PORTER Colored: No Sundays or holidays. Watkins products: openings in citv as well assemblies: 40 to 45 noionan.

xyi w. tjutney. COLOHED BUS BOY and PORTER Good PORTER Col So tite lintel- Menu, Age 45 to 55 Steady, light work. No exn. needed ion.

duller, zii'z K. Ohio. as suburban: no deliveries: no investment: no collections: training given free; good men can make S50 a week comm. Apply Kill W. 7lltli si.

or 222(1 N. Western av. war pfiurfon; cay worn. Oa 5jt Seott-st. TIRE CHANGER joo monin.

iiotei i trovers, am Koot-sl. C. W. I. R.

R. CO. Baggage-Mail Truckers IIK'i CENTS PER HOUR. Apply Room 'JiH. liaihorii Station.

47 W. Polk-st. COOK POKTER-Dfshwasher Coloredudavs: no Sun- Stock and P. P. shipping.

Slart 915 with nays, pin wasiiingtnn-blvd. Wesferini Elfectric Needs Experienced Men for Turret Lathe Detail Making Milling Machine Hand Screw Machine Automatic Screw Machine Set-up experience desirable but not necessary. ALSO Helpers Janitors Laborers Men physically able to do heavy work. ROUTE SALESMEN (L) For alesm table and a la carte service In tmsv loon restaurant. Good salary anil deilnite advancement See Mr.

Holier. 81 Hour. 1(1 S. Wabash. PORTER Exp day Work Meals, good pay.

TTrB'i1. Capable of taking complete r.f -rvii e. Ex'-ellriit wurking e-, i.s I'aid vacation. lpirtunity to a 'vir -r manager or manager Steady: sal. and good chance to hours.

No Sundays. MKV EH DRUG. 3:125 N. A Sill. AM).

increase earnings: Jay's Potato Chips. St- MEN rial roods I 41152 Princeton. Hon. MEN OR BOYS We can offer you a good future with vaca RELIEF clerk 4 days a week. Inquire 610 irr rsail tire store.

fioori salary. For factory and machine shon: doinr lOCi Mr KeynoHs. Inland Rubber Apply basem*nt nffli-e. HILLMAN'S. W.

Waslunglon. COOKCOLORED All around: good salarv. SALESMAN Experienced furniture; salary war work: no experience necessary: dav or tions and holidays at full pay, it you are i. viarK-si. RESTAURANT MANAGER ani Wn! victory t444.

anu comm. i.incoin-av. Agrnln. night shift: good transportation. B0DINK ELECTRIC 2U54 W.

Ohio. TIPE MAN willing to slart at the Dottom and advance yourself to a secure post-war position. Apply 00(1 N. Franklin, Rm. 600.

Unusual opportunity for man with restan- Block's Restaurant. 11 K. Cermak. rant managerial experience. Must have best ATTENTION.

TNDOOR WORKERS' How rhjir. tire and repair tubes. Perm. Rorers Cartage of references, knowledge of carving, cafe teria, and counter service, quality food, and Indianapolis-boulevard. COQK, A-l Colored- rood salary.

Jules Restaurant. M4 W. 71st-st. MEN OR ROYS $40 per 5H hour working week. Must be strong and wilhug tn work hard to learn trade.

Quality Plating 2003 W. Fulton-st. mod costs, state age and draft classification. Good salarv. Oonortumtv nracticallv BOYS OR MEN Husky and alert; for work tn war plant.

Paid rest periods, overtime: chance for advancement. Master Finishers. 2427 S. Prairie. would you like a healthy, prolitable business that takes you outdoors? Hundreds of men have made more than ever before when they took over a Rawleigh Route supplying 200 widely advertised farm home necessities.

Sales are booming so this is the time to start. Write Kawleigh's Dept. 1LB-128-172. Freeport. Ill ALLIED SCHOOL iF MECHANIC AL TRADES.

f.O'.l W. Lake. Chicago. CH Esapeak MEN NEEDED NOW IN WELDING Learn tn short order at Chie-igo tn spare lime. Davs or evrs.

Get intor-na'ion now no time to lose. Call, write, or phone CALUMET S2'si. CHICAGO TECH. COLLEGE 2QW Tech. bids.

2000. electricity-radio" Thousands of men and women Learn by doing. Day or Eve. 5CHOOC any day or or Frt. eves, or caone COYNE ELECTRICAL SCHOOL )02 -S.


MONroe o351. NEW JOBS OPEN RADIO BROADCASTING Learn now art-noun. ing. acting, script writing, etc lip course. DAY or EVE.

PHONE WA5. 6.62. or write, or call. COLUMBIA COLLEGE Fine Arts Michigan near Congres. unlimited.

Address 474. Tribune. 2D COOK Evenings: no Sun. or holiday: good TII.rZ v-' -ar tr First class. Tire 14W S.

Michigan. TIKE rvife good pay. S. Morgan. wages.

Maple Leaf. o3 W. van Buren. ROOM service Dining rm. waiter and bus NIGHT PORTER noy: exc.

sal. and tins. Park Lane Hotel. COUNTERMAN To work in Evanston sand- -n-i-i nenian. awin.

Must be reliable and able to furnish best LAUNDRY DRIVERS Experienced Alert 5723 S. State wicn snon. aunuays. appi-v O'CONNELL'S. 422 EAST GRAND.

ROOM service waiter White. See Miss Kay of referem-es. DUTCH MILL CANDIES. Diversey alter 11 a. Gracmcre Hotel.

3400 W. HI i ace! In neon a. LAUNDRY DRIVER COUNTER and grill men Must he good salary. 43n3 Llston. Pal.

73i7. Established roiile. now paying S5 per DISHWASHER and kit. porter Colored: exp. week exeriellce lllllieccssarv married.

laundry MEN OR BOYS Kxper. not necessary; full lime work. De Nurmandie Laundry, Male. tliMnwaMlimu niacti no sun llrw. II ni ROUTE SALESMEN Ambitious for established laundry mule; salary and coiiiiuismou.

good opportunity. JI25 S. California-av. Oot do sober, biiHller. Apply after 11:30 a.

Collate Grove-av. 7 p. in gd. pay. exchange Tea Kooru.

J. TOOL MAKER ViS THOP.OLY EXPERIENCED IN J1Q AND FIXTURES FOR SMALL AIRCRAFT PARTS. ALSO WITH TKPF.O KNOWLEDtiE OF GRINDING ant maintenance of precision cemeted carbide milling cotters. drills and reamers, war woks in modern plant on -rthw est sice. please give full t.ljteence5 as to age and experi-enre att kess 134.

tribune. a. wens. wasiiingioii. Experienced.

Meals Uniforms furnished and Laundered. No night or Sunday Work AIRCRAFT WORKER COLORED MEN DISHWASHER Good pay. No Sundays. Do not apply if you are now engaged on war work. Bring birth Schneiders.

8(17 Milwaukee. Man with stock room or tool crib experi Strong: experienced in rag or paper house: MEN Esiabhshed cleaning and dyeing routes. not necessary. Good pay. Star Cleaners Dyers.

2421 N. Western. pith wages: steady work: plenty overtime DISHWASHER Colored; good wages: no ence preferred: some evening work: good oppor. W. Chicago-av.

Mr. Zam. after Apply eiD W. Evergreen. Sundays or evenings.

315 S. La Salle. 111 a. ni. DISHWASHER Colored: dishwashing APPLY MRS.

M. SMITH AFTER 10 A. MEN. HOUSEMAN, kitchen men. and laundry bakery cleanin PO RTERS For general RETAIL STOKE.

MAIN FLOOR. jmach. Good pay. Edwards. 3807 Broadway.

work. Good pay. Steady. Apply HEINK- ly 25-MEN-25 17 tn AO years; factory work: nights. Apply employment olfice.

465 v. Cermak-road. 7 a. ni. Bring birth certificate.

HEINE-ryn Mawr MONTGOMERY DISHWASHERS 1 2 1 For. night work: good MAN.N BAKLKYS. W. ti pay: nights. stitM v.

and Die Makers 100 WAR WORK 54 HOUR WEEK W. CHICAGO-AV. SOUTH SIDE OF STREET. workers. Permanent positions: good pay: full maintenance available.

Will train good applicants. Mount Sinai Hospital. Cahfor-nia-av. at loth-place. 20-DOCK EN-20 Immediate mnlnvment.

DISHWASHERS 2 Good wages; no Sun- CLEANING driver Estab. So. side route oay. no liquor, -o pi. wearoorn.

LEARN WELDING Mn and women: our new eay nmoklv qualifies you for a big payirr $2 vou- free employment servTc. PAY AS VOU GO Phone Pro Ki.Vt. National Welding. "42 S. Ashlar-i-a' open for rtzht man.

Pays better than union scale. SI (Id prices, well advertised firm. ACTIVE, ELDERLY MAN FOR NITE WORK IN TIRE SHOP. ALSO MAN FOR DAYS. EXP.

NOT NECESSARY. BERRY TIRE 5410 BROADWAY. Employment office open daTly except Sunday. Hours Monday Through Friday 8:15 a. m.

to 9 p. m. DISHWASHERS 31 Best wages. Rickett's. 103 E.

Chicago-avenue. STOREROOM MAN White, for loop restaurant. Apply Triangle Restaurant. 11)4 W. Randolph.

WOODLAW.N CLEANERS DlEKS. INC Midway 4oC7. Steady work. Union scale. White.

Physical required. Apply Mr. Osliorn. 432 W. Polk.

Trr perarent connection with steady north iT-ar-la'-TunnS' concern, rot a job shop: eir fa-i orienings: 10 bonus for rt: wor: excellent transportation: near DISHWASHER Apply after 5 p. m. Picca STOREROOM man Silver man. yard man. MAN Nights; essential business: light fac ninny Barbecue.

3801 W. Madison-st. DRIVER 40-MEN-10 bus boy. Apply steward. Hotel Atlantic.

bs- ana street car. DISHWASHER Plaza Hotel Restaurant. 17 to fiO years: factory work. Apply em Experienced for wholesale cleaning route. 32 s.

Clark-street. tory work: starts (i.ic hour; advancement: Sive exiierienee. age. heiuht. weight.

Address 235. Tribune. 1543 N. Clark. Crowe Name Plate Mfg.

Co. Saturday, 8:15 a.m. to 5 p.m. J.i(i mn, juaywoou. ployment office.

4(i5 West Ccrmak-road. 8 a. m. Bring birth certificate. STEWARD Colons! So.

side club: board ELEVATOR OPERATORS Door men. Houi MAN or boy Assistant to shipping clerk: no and room mil. Address A A 41 1. Tribune. 174 GRACE-STREET.

75O0. men. Vacuum men. and wall washers: age experience necessary; must use typewriter C. W.

I. R. R. CO SHORT order cooks For the Highway Res Westerm Electric not important: ideal working conditions. Parcel Delivery Drivers Must he experienced.

510 per week. 1010 W. Congress-street. taurant. Lake and West-av.

Elmhurst 4212. occasionally. Spinner Rros. 732 Sherman-st. Apply Geo.

11. Paost. executive asst. mgr. MALE COACH CLEANERS Hotel HmcKerbocKer.

HM K. vtalton-st. STEAM table Short order: night S30 TIME STUDY Jobs are waiting for you. Investigate this profitable evening training. Open evenings onlv.

Nevada Industl. Clinic. 4WI Wasnington. LEARN WELDING Short course training men or women dif or no books all machine instruction. Open Sun.

p. ni. No contract. Pav a voe) I. arn.

West Tuwn. 31 to Lakc-tret "LEARN FREIGHT TR NSPORTATION. Permanent profession for war or Dav or eve. course. Call or wn'e NJ.

FREIGHT TRAFFIC INSTITUTE 176 W. Iiept. T-7. Sta. 2330.

FLOORMAN To assist with washing, polish APPLY 448 W. 61ST-STREET. TOOL ROOM LATHE HANDS ANTJ DIE TRIMMING DIE MAKERS war work. oicun Wallace system, a.lbl w. Madison.

ELEVATOR oierator colored: eld ing. and delivery of cars; goon pay. snort hours. Lake Shore Motors. 1012 Chicago- General Warehouse Work erly.

Hayes hotel. U4tn and university. WAITER Kvanston. Innc 23d-pl. and Cicero-av.

FOUNTAIN MAN Steady: good working conditions: overtime: No Sunday, holidays, or night work: good viir Airily if not employed on war I day shift only. See Mr. Zupan. 3ii2( Jas- pay. Uti.t s.

Morgan. Grill and sandwich board. Experience foi General Warehouse Work Steady. Annlv between 8 a. a.

at iTeni. per-pl. 2 blocks east of S. Ashland. high type drug store.

Good salary, fine WAITER Must be 10 days: KE1CK DIE CASTING CORP. niMirlllint An). 1 "i- si IMark. Hibhard Silencer Bartlett. 211 E.

No. Water. Helper in Candy Warehouse good pay. Acme Grill. 475tt W.

03d. Room 2011. Office of CKOYIKJN UKUli. CO. WfMiLEN spotter Exih).

on synthelie clean- WAITER Experienced, for relief shift: oOc SCHUBERT e- rl-'" Car 'ol for appt. DOCKMEN-EXPERD. Gooil pay: steady. Denver-Chicago Trucking 3U30 S. Ashland-aveniie.

DA NCING TEACH KRsfTo teach ballroom dancing at Icadinit Chicago school: good salaries If no previous experience, we will train you free. Call Wabash S512. COLORED MEN Husky draft exempt men. Steady work. Plenty of overtime 23(1(1 W.

A YB LA KSM ITH wanted at once. Call Elm hurst 466-J between and 8 p. m. tog prrf. Pubiix Cleaners.

ii(i Mauison. 17-35. Good salary. No exp. necessary.

Con lection Cabinet 43(1 W. Erie. GRILL and counter men. also dishwasher an Hour. Apply 4S(8 Milwaukee.

LAUNDRY ROUTEMEN Good opportunity for qualified men. 4224 W. DIVISION. 6 davs; 48 hours: good salary. WAITER steady.

Olsen's Restaurant. DOCK HANDS ward Diner. 4H(it w. iortn-av. MAKERS ft.t;ni s.

central. tm MEN Laborers DRY CLEANING days. Pike's. 6115 N. Experienced, for tiicht work.

Union wages. GRILL men Expd. gr-f-fers lathe Brown THE ADMIRAL wesieni-av. Apidy 14(11 W. Fulton-sl.

See Mr. Bravere. ARMY NEEDS X-RAY AND LAB. n-iiicians. We help you qualify a.

Tecanu-al Sergeant: greater securitv- higher pay -i' cinl 4 mo. dudoma course: iiiy or even i. CENTURY ol lege. 3d E. Adam.

Fra EIGHT-TRAFFIC MEN IN DEMAND Over 1 5O0 firms emnl. our men 1 '-J COLLEGE OF AfiVANi ED TRAFFIC 14 E. Dent. S. Karr.

(1 Route men: excellent oppor. for right Srarr-e n' hioe operators, and all- Active, alert men over So. for elevator GRILL MAN ALSO DISHWASHER AND man. 170H w.

llrv. 4(1(1. FACTORY HELP COLORED t'fjl a.i. Old e-labiisneo com- operators in IhlIi grade npl. Iiolel.

steady KIT. MAN. HAKV Kl 1 IttVlt. Machinists and Helpers frte iot-wr ro-ibllities otter MEN AND WOMEN empiovnieiii. experience not STEADY WORK A Pn.Y Slid W.

EVERGREEN. in siitt. with A-l equipment. IGRII.L and counterman Must be exiierieiiced. for inside creamery work.

Steadv. Good Ca.I Srey Steady work. 1112 AKIi I Riggers and Boilermakers hourly rate plus overtime. 415N Fullerton THE ADMIRAL. poll FOSTER.

Salesmen. ROOK AND MACAZINK SALESMEN. "NITES. GRILL MAN TOOL ROOM DOCKMEN Sleadv: union scale: dav or nile 7249 W. LAKE-ST.

PAPER SLITTER Expd. onlv. Falc. mach. pref.

Good lo prndip-er. 201ti W. WASHBURN Rough Carpentry Work Older man: steady: rood pav. APPLY Slid W. EVERGREEN.

Ts man. shar'r and surfaeej frind- 4 magazines for 25c per week with Knev. Silver Kleet Motor Express' 3357 Justine. CAR WASHER Experienced, for day work: permanent. APPLY 21ft E.

CHICAGO-AV. HAMBURGER men 121 535 week. Silver Pipefitters and Welders in Jiic miliary, new Good Housekeeping cook ASSISTANT SIIIPI-INi: CI.KItK Palace. inverscy. Apply in person.

bonk uliil It vol. set Ellcr-tr Oots'ii ttclcc I i-e I i-en- lis noor MjI IEI PRoI.l.t TS to. 4.V;.i W. HAKKI-ON-SIKEKT. and packer- (food opi.

for advancement Stories. 411 other book lilies lo select flout. HAMBURGER man Good wages: short MIDDLK AGED MAN 1. to sal. hr lime ami 'i Ailraclive magazine sclcclloils.

4 orders I I day week. Apply .1.114 N. nark. for sorting and paKUlug; no experience lor iivtrlitne. 325 N.

1st 11. Tool and Gage Makers STEEL PLANT Iter flay frii.n(l per week plus bonus, mmciliate veil Ilea lion; trausp. turnisliisl. NKillT clerk North side apt. hotel; exp.

in necessary. Steady work. 52a to start 'ititilt Elslon-av. WATCHMAN 35-65 active and solier. MEN-COLORED For laundry work.

No experience. Archer Laundry. 3HH7 Archer. r-xv er r.irf-L Exceptionally good work- transcript, good salary: steady AIRCRAFT ENGINE INSPECTION. STATE REGISTERED.

ILL. SMIL MACH SHOP INC MADISON. STATE I NSl'ECTION aTrCR a FT SHOP, Hv fr. miv'i inspector, a gov ov. Collector, guard trainee" no en -ee li.t.

Mid-West. 37 W. Van buren. R.iom fo-HRS. FREE Instruction in DRAFTING for men or women.

Test your aont-ie. Big pay emnl. opn. Ask for detail UTIL1 TIES ENG. INST- 1314 W.

Bi INDUSTRIAL RADIOGRAPHY. Defense indusirics ray S1S( mo. to X-rav technicians; day or eve crs-v Ca eg. Century College 30 Vlam.Fra UE FREE MVK TeiTs International In.t. 741 7dth Vin See Mr.

Hill. 6 N. Apply before 12 noon. for steady work: tt-10 hour nights weekly; P.i con i.t:o.s. AS'Ply day or night.

K. position. 64i). -Mr. lonsiaiu.

MEN over 18 For factory work: no exper Wabash, room 1402. no experience necessary. Address 255. Good working conditions. K-ss---z A ora Mli.

25H1 W. Homer. HOSPITAL KITCHEN PORTER White: sal Trihune. nec perm. Hnnr birth cerlilicate.

CHICAGO METALLIC. 3711 S. Ashland. BOTTLE beer salesmen Only low priced Excellent opportunity for ad ary Plus room and lauuury. call orecn- Automobile Wreckers Wtd.

NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. Martin Auto Parts 2(11(1 Doiinnick-st. lull line: S.lj plus refs for leaf 2id(l. Ext. FREIGHT HANDLERS Of.SON TRANSPORTATION CO last 4 yrs.

Address A A ajs. xribune. vancement. Steady employ HANDYMAN With some knowledge of carpenter work: 45c an hour to start. SI5 S.

Wabash. Room 4(17. TOOL AND DIE MAKERS ALL DEFENSE WORK. crri-ai; faih wages. Tool 302N.

Loomls-st. TOOL AND DIE MAKERS CEMETERY sales mgr. ami salesmen Write I ment. Hr. felix.

WMiicr Memoruil Park. Decatur. Hotel elevator operator: dependable man: YARD LABOR Steady employment. Lund Coal Co. 17 11 N.

California. III. Will be in Chicago soon for Interview. Men Light Factory Work NIGHT WATCHMAN With engineer's lu-cnse. Can use man over 50 yrs.

of age; must have can lie middle aged or sliiMHIv liiiiidiaMpucd: To those not presently employed In dav work. Apply 1 ..) hast tl.ld el. CIRCULATION sales At aircraft plants, mili defense industry. I ir oslv- defense work: lop pay. Laramie I Experience not necessary: start tide good references.

Address 1K1, 1 ritiune. tary bases; aviation magazine wnn largest AUToMoltll.K car washer ami porter t'lTt Works. 52v! Cicero. circulation, out of town: fast sales: comm.

APPLY 5311 I AUTO SI.MONIZER Al.Sfl WASHER. BUILDING MATERIALS. III IT El. CLERK Man Ix-lwcen 5l-tH. some COLLECTORS 151 Men- age no limit: full or part tune: monthly accounts: regular per week lo slart.

(Jtitck raise lo good man ROOSEVELT-RD. Excellent background and relvrences re- TOOLMEN experience, hut will train, doml salary. ouired. stale uuaiiiicatious. 25 TO S3il PER WEEK.

STEADY JOB. routes. Room 400. 222 N. wens.

ADDRESS A S3S. 1 Klnt E. Address 1 e. i.t. lrioune.

2 7 lv ASH I NI RIANGL K2(I. tn ox spring and mattress ir tjrrns. R-bin 5 E. 3D. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE OPEN FROM A.


RepubHic SteeB Corp. llSth-st. and Burlcy-av. HOTEL relief clerk 2 shifts per week; GOOD opportunity for high school graduate interested 111 light, general oltice work. I.

a in her. LUMBER AVAILAPLF. REPAIRS AND MAINTENAN'K Douglas Lumber. 2.l0 Roosevelt. Kd I'ORTEK To work in photographic plant: Magazine Sales Promotion month.

153i Calitorma-av. aril diemaker: Al: best pav. Illi- sternly work: plenty of overtime. Apply TRUCK DRIVER. For painting contracior.

Exp. not nee. Call in person. 4-5 p. 111.

Sold S. Racuie-av. lloYS or men While, for factory work; no i-Ui necessary; steady work. 1801 S. Michigan.

Men wanted: no canvassing: 40 hours; sat HOTEL CLERK Middle aged. Elm Park 1 I N. ichienn. Rm. 301 r-, i.nre Co Addison.

iny. Mr. Sch Is. 21) E. Hubbard.

1524 S. Kedr.le-llV. MAN. strong and reliable, lo work In shipping room and on truck, retail furniture store. 201 E.

OHIO ST. Hotel. Phone Brunswick 8IIIIO. JKK'TOK Trailer driver. F.xpd.- Eastern PI ii iu hi nic nml llenlln Sappllea.

WINDOW WASHERS. Window Cleaning Co. HOTEL CLERK 3 days and 3 nights; apply 2 GAS 1 ceiling gas heater: reaica- GO-CODE INSTRUCTORS 50 24 or over. Calumet Ibltl. Transformer Assemblers Miflk Route Salesmen Age 25 to 40 40S S.

Wells. Harrison R705. mezzanine floor 401 S. La Salle. ible.

Sun 01 OH. 40(12 Broadway. KITCHEN helper Colored: to prepare vege MAINTENANCE man-While; for small hotel; alpg. rooms only; state age, sal. refs.

Address 231. Tribune. tables; good wages: meals, uniforms: no PIN SPOTTERS White or colored: sleepinj We can use 50 code Instructors at once. Also see our ail. under Male Trade Schools.

HOUSEMAN ONE combma. hot water and stea-p boiler. s-'-' wir rourg iren: exoer. not Sunday work. Morton s.

19 Dearborn. quarters: 7c per line. Natnma Lanes, tioli Wanted for established milk routes with a witn 4 rauiaiors. infap. ir-rorT Eieetr-c Co Transformer APPLY IN PERSON.

a. m. to P. m. for fraternity: hswk.

and dishwashing: gd. Milwaukee. Newcastle 37UU. leading Chicago dairy, union wages, inex- AMERICAN TELEVISION liV; pay. permanent: board, no pleasant erieiKed men.

ier week lo start plus MAN or bov White: assistant to chemist: MEN For general factory work, to help machine operators, clean up. and operate oil separator. Apply 3256 Milwaukee-av. 433 E. ERIE-STKEtT.

working voud. Apply rar. nio E. commission, ti day week. 2 weeks vacation no experience necessary.

411 hour week. Delaware. Delaware Hisw. any time. alter 1st year.

The Tribune offers special rates to I Kelding Hosiery Mills, vvahansia. Stokers; Oil and imm Borners. FREEMAN STOKERS A FEW SIZE TO RFPLACK OIT. FCRH. KRs FACTORY INSTALLED AND sESV-1CED.

CALL HARRISON 2355. HOUSEMAN AND PORTERS Address .1 Tribune. YOUNG man White, attendant in hi. class apt. hrs.

8-4: pleasant working conditions. See mgr. at 433 Briar-place. GARAGE man Colored: nights: washing and greasinar trucks: good pay: steady work. Slur Cleaners.

2 l21N.Weslcrn. PORTER. experience; steadv: top pav. HEROI.D LANDY. 4117 BROADWAY.

person uho advertise for positions. MEN For warehouse, to do trucking. PORTER Store work. Pleasant surroundings. Starting salary 523.

Ncisncr 3231 Lincoln. ROOFING ami siding solicitors; salary and for hotel: steady work: rood pay. Belle For information and assistance in writ- ELDERLY MEN PREFERRED. N. SIIURK 20(1 W.

ADAMS. comm. call Deiorc ii. uii w. t.nicago-v.

e. State-sfreef TRUCK MECHANICS UNION SCALE KEESHIN MOTOR EXPRESS INC. 221 V. Roosevelt-rd. Apply 9 to 12 noon Truck Drivers' Helpers Miore lut2 Bryu Mawr.

Lon. 2133 inv an adxertisment stop at the Want GARAGE man colored: 6 nights: no washing; S25 week. 4337 W. Kilh-st. TIRE SALESMAN MEN With autns: part or full time: salary NEW coal stokers; factory direct.

2i-2 -1 HOUSEMAN Ad office, Stadison and basis: bring social security. Room 21 base Colored, for Near North Side hotel, tl days. ment, ltili W. Van Burcu-street. LABORERS To handle lumber: steady work.

Grand Woodworking 4147 Ogdcn-av. with Chicago experience, to call on fleets Salary and commission. lbs. per hour. sac.

iron rtreman. ib Seeger disnliy case Open eve Borg. 6359 S. Ashland. Rep.

or in the lobby of Tribune Tower. ei hours. Salary Delaware 51(1(1. BOY or man Draft exempt, for errands and licht genl. work.

Steady. 40 hr. wk. Apply 5th floor. 11 S.

Desplaincs. OLD MAN Age Ml and over: easy work as BERRY Tl 6410 Broadway. Pharmacist. HOUSEMAN COLORED STOKERS BOILERS. RADIATORS -New and messengers; bring social sec.

card. Apply Room 21. basem*nt. Kid W. Van Iturcii WALGREEN DRUG STORES For furnished apt.

hotel: 6 days; 8 hours. HELPER to assemble truck and auto springs. Temme Spring 1515 S. Wabash. MEN For light warehouse work; good pay.

Apply 020 S. Canal-sl. 'ar-rcrs Experienced only. per used for immediate aenvery. ooiier am nc-imir repairs.

lot EXPERIENCED organizer and field secretary Salary till). Lincoln 41.0(1. HANDYMAN 2 hours daily exchange basml. ror work on national publicity campaign. have openings for pharma r.mT Apiur a.

m. ready Jjr 't-k. Ji rcl spplv at any other lime. WAREHOUSE man or boy Trucking and packing. No experience.

Permanent, tloc hour. AddresiX 448. Tribune COLORED Men Exp. not necessary; steady Archer Laundry. Archer-av.

hskpg. rm. 715 Central. EsLl tH t. Exceptional opportunity lor man over (.

HOUsem*n White: over 50: full or part RADIOS, SUPPLIES, AND SERVICE. cists In various stores. Sal time: exp. nnl necessary. Ahnntt Hall.

710 Salarv 11. K. Lewis. Rm. 11" 10.

100 La Salle. HOUSEMAN hniiily with tools, for Gake Sliore-ur. uelaware ovini. small hotel. Mr.

Morns. I 111 W. lies! nut. aries above average plus lib- DOES your radio sputter? FadeT Hum? YOUNG man Colored helper In garage. I a rCh 'aiiera Dyers.

2121 N. Western. BOWLING Pin setters Apply after 1 p. m. rJT24 Stony Island-avenue.

MEN National food corporation can GARAGE work Colored man: rl days a TRUCK driver Hard work: 91 steady. Call after 4 p. 741 N. La Salle erai Commissions. Ueiinlie 1 willing- workers in order department: order departmeni 51 for all minor repair, in nome.

Anywhere. North Side Radio. Bue-VKI. comm. week.

Good salary. llaymarKct o.lus. rtt siiV men 240 I.aretice-y. Irant mn mentu Peoria. men 4-4.


i r. i i ...1 ii. and bonu opportunities for advance Alius PHILCO. 545; Zenith, beau, cab. 11 SF.

MAN Col. or white: sal. and apt. 828 Archer Apply 8 to 10 a. 4307 S.

Parkway. BOYS For laundry work; steady. table mo.v. '-'n: ccprr indsor-av. Lon.

8o43. yndon Hotel. Laundry. 3S(i7 Arcncr. ment to store managers.

All CANVASSERS 21 to work with experi HOUSEMAN Colored. Apply in person. YOUNG man To drive truck. Community applicants, regardless of age enced closer; rooting, insulation anu Heating: salarv ami must have ability BARTER AND EXCHANGE. Hotel Planters.

N. Clara. Supply 3027 N. l.tiicnlii-aT. WATCHMEN Steady and part time: age 55: good pay.

Address 42. Tribune. GA KAGiC and parking lot attendants Also washers. 175 VV. Monroe.

cTlTwXsIiER--short hours in evening. Call LONGIIEACH B7(I8. CAR washer Night work: good pay: good hours. Lake View 32(30. ELDERLY man Handy with metal tools.

122 S. HALSTED. BARBER shoo porter exc. clientele: I sa 1 y. 3 1 8 S.

St. Lotus. ELDERLY man Drive car: steady learn trade; easy wk. Al list ie. 11134 W.

North -a. MAN-For general work in bowling alley. 5012 W. Madison. to earn weekly.

Madison-si. or sex, will be carefully con HOUSEMAN Sober, reliable- sm. apt. hotel. MAN 4(1-45 years; factory work: no experi BUY and sell anything of value Tools.

clothmff- I'ncti. Mix LAUNDRY drivers Experienced. Good routes. sala ry. 2 rm.

apt. Sun. 4 1 U4. ence necessary. Apply lol.t N.

Cn-ero. sidered. Apply In person or TRUCK DRIVERS a.u.t he member, of 70S T. Ar 9 ni -2 Olson 'Iransp. Co.

goixl commission and salary. HOUSEMAN gd. hours: gd. pav: no for co*cktail PORTER White or colored: write J. De Lano, Walgreen Ineeda Laundry.

Jill Asniann. Sun. Housekeeper. Lawson. 3d w.

Chicago. lounge. Manslicicl 7(iM. MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC. SALES representative Transformer and con Coq 744 E.

Bowen-avenue. HOUSEMAN Colored. Apply in PORTER Colored: 5'j days: lirht work. person. STOCK ROOM COLORED.

JACK STEIN FOOD MART. Saginaw 8135. denser mfr Must nave goorj contacts. Colonial Hotel. 6325 Kenwood George E.

Watson lt4 vv l.ane-sl. DELIVERY boy wanted Nights. Good pay and good hours. 2026 E. 71st-street.

WINDOW washer Also night mnpper: wht. Edgewater Beach 5555 Sheridan. TRUCK DRIVER xr-w city of Chic urn and ail Bfllood fill Commission. Address 2oS. Tribune.

Side: WTD. Young musicians. S-I8 frr jr. Tt- t.linnr: Innn. ms'eo.

1 W.H have ASST. Pharmacist or apprentice S. COUNTER MEN Steam table high HOUSEMAN Exper. for north side hotel. steady: evening, and Sundays.

DRIVER, salesman Estab. beverage route: wages: fu ll-part time. 340 w. van Huren. ADDRESS 414.

TRIBUNE. 725 W. Lakevtew 7620. FACTORY Helpers Colored: 5('e per hour to start. Steady.

2415 W. 14th-street. DRIVER-salesman For estab beverage route: salary and comm. Apply 3033 Archer salary, comm. premier vernon Beverage t.o..

COLLECTIONS. GARAGE and narking lot attendants Also car washers. 215 W. Washington. PORTER For liquor store; steady job.

Ap HOUSEMAN For furnished white: stay Phone Drcxel ail, REG. OR ASST. PHARM GD. SAL-HOURS ply larK-st. ABL1N DRUGS.

72QO W. GRAND. on premises, btwt w. Lake-st. Austin 22S2.

TKCCK DRIVER Fzr. lo'al Franklin Mae Vrs A Ui47 S. Clinton Canal 25f(. TSt'CE as and raser 24 North tiuitvart. Call Park.

Manifleld 2113. SAT.FSM AN wanted, to work part COLLECTIONS United Mercantile MEN to work In -no wrecking yard; steady: cood salary. 2833 Cbicago-av. ASST. or appr.

Desiring- to earn more money: KITCHEN men White: 95 and meals. time. Can earn sis and tin per sale i-iinne ci.ekk dr HELPER FOR PACKING COFFEE SWANSON 119 W. KINZIB. Km.

610. 140 j. uearoorn. atais iiu. GROCF.RT STORE GOOD E.

68TH-ST. ills. Agency. 168 W. Web.

7789. WAGES. 20! capable. Address A 321, Tribune. St.

Luke note. i4u Indiana. nsalsSj sS.v.sSisijirfsaa.iS Sia vMKn.

Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois (2024)


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Article information

Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Last Updated:

Views: 5672

Rating: 4 / 5 (71 voted)

Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.