The Guardian from London, Greater London, England (2024)

THE MANCHESTER GUARDIAN, SATURDAY; FEBRUARY 19, 1944 PubHo ptnotci and Inttltutioni HouMfcecper. CompnfilonayaaO. Public Offices and Institutions twattagers, Foramen, etc SALE8 BY. PRIVATE COUTH APT Clerks, AssUtants. Jtc-.

Wantod TO BE-LET EMPLOYMENT OF WOMEN (Control of IimonK) Order. 1B2 tula af tna miti fee himii air, tma in mwii imm wgann sets-ten IB 40 Ummlm unla tush unu ca tat Ihrsnc with Mr child at inter In tut of 14, or (JU ru attract unMr the BUM Ps-sone AM. or ici ma aa-iTirr- es sauna- pa-mui te aue-a ner te mn insurious! aMrt. Domestlo Servants Wanted AT eiuatgicta. Otitic General: ham XX.

riven: waxes and borne. OakfleM- Qafe uniCU Coca; General Sboxekees-er (or Btifctol, near aibedtt Station: main road (trains boa): good' wages: hasp wMn ronxch: food outaXBja: only two in tamifr. IWoptKme 60981 BlrWele, or addicts Box GO, Lee ana mr-htngsle. 17. Nona John Street.

liTeipoai. CAPABI-E Oook. Oenexal Wanted, now; resident: ortr oaliing-up ace: two adulta: three children. 63s. 4.

and 2 weeks: no rough work: cood waces and outings. Mr. R. Petrie, BamlorJ Cottage, Norden Boad, Rochdale. CAPABLE Dam.

Help: live in: on lady: pleasant kitchen, own wireless. Apply before IX a-m. or atter 4 p.m., Harris, Flat 2. 28. singleton Road.

KenaL CAPABLE S'W or Nannie Wanted, boy 5. baby 18 raontna: cood noma and oucxocs. excellent ware: muse tm scnolneay fond ot cfael-dren: rets, essential. Mrs. Fisher, 3, Lytton Cose.

London. N. 2. Tel. SFE.

1613. COOK-OENERAL- required, at once: family 2: food home and wages. Apply 10, Clarendon Road, St. Axtnes. C10OK Oeoeral Wanted: modern house: wagea 2 10s.

per week: liberal cnitlngs: no washing. Lonxaendale, Bill Top, Hale. Cheshire. COOK. General, aged 41 to SO: 2 in (amlls: small modern boose: good comi.

Horn. 4. North Meade. Caoritonrm. Tel.

CHO. 3551. -1-VOMESTlC Help, able to cook, nos much J-r work: modem 4 adults: wsges 2 per week. Apply Mrs. Deri-ah.

Fesx-down. Ladythom Crescent, Bremhall DOMESTIC Keip for modern house: Lymm district: on bus route: exempted post: good home, ward, and outings. 17. Ezfkrtenceu HomrmiM Wanted for small family In Hale: oornforttbit home and co allele ration for xsXable person. Address 97.

"MVc auarfflan- 2. very rood salary, off-duty dally: UT reserved. 2c, Park Road, Hlfber Crumpsalt. 'Phone Cheetham Hill 2462. Cv ENERAI.

Hf.p (sleep In) Wanted tor Hale: three jn Un-illy: to help wltth cooking and a little housework: other help. Address 98. Mc Guardian 2. 1 ENEEiAL Wanted for modern bouse: wsges per week: out every everting: belp given: good references essential. Address 5.

Mc Guardian 2. HOUSE or Parlour Baa Id for horns of gentle-man on war work within 20 mues of Birmingham: excellent accommodation and onditluns: a.3 per week and all found to Tight applicant. 65, "Mc Guardian" 2. MARRIED Couple: share all duties: small Country Jnn, Wensleydale. Yorkshire.

Address 74. "Mc Guardian 2. KEQUIRED. superior Nurse nr Nurse-Help, or would train young Girl as Nursery Nurse lor one year. Duneslde Nursery Home, St.

Annes-on-Sea. WANTED, Ycurrr OW, 16-17, as Nursery Msld: 2 children: modem bouse: good v. sues resident cook general kept. Amity Mrs. Summers, 82, Klrn-alry Wsy, Plnchley.

London. St. 2. WANTED, Services of Two competent People fsr simple cooking (Esse), light (help for rough: modernised country house, Herefordshire: small family. Also, if desired, light estate work for man: no objection to child during holidays: state experience, ages, mlary required.

256. "Mc Guardian 2. Situations Wanted C1 UMlfTEDR-OROOM, Uncle, expert both dulses: tone exempt liberty. Address 3 346, Me Ousxdlan 2. UITUATION Watrted.

is Dallr Housemaid: active; coed reference: ddsbury. Wlllnrnlun. or faliowfleld. 27. "M.O." Hotel and Club Servants AN Assistant Wanted lor Kitchen Work: a msn to assist the chef, an experienced cuck.

or one It he haa not extensive knowledge ut cooking but willing to learn. Apply Royal Oeorge Hotel. Xnutsford. 'Phone 122. tiOOK aeneral.

small Country Inn: no bar work: Wenaleydale. Yorkshire. Address 73. Mc Guardian 2. EXPERIENCED Resident Cook Wanted, early March, for Dominion Officers' Club, York.

Address 63 Me Quarcson 2. EXPCR1ENCKD Cook aau Kitchen Porter and 2nd Porter to sestet halt porter. Wasted Mr nrstciaa country hoteh good wares, references. Crown Hotel, aw try, sear Doncaeter. CTiIRST and Second chefs required, working J- togeiher or separately, for busy Restaurants In Greater London and Provinces.

State salary required and full particulars of past areer to Catering Controller, 62. Brighton lload. Sutton. Surrey. FIRST-CLASS Chef Wanted, at once.

Dorchester Hotel. Llandudno. KITCHEN Porte, or Xltchenmald required. Apply Bowdon Hydro, Altrincham. MANAGERESS for Oonleotloners' Shop and Cat.

South Msnchester suburb. Address 14. Mc Gusrdlari" 2. SQUIRED, experienced Cellar Man, live In, -s-v I6 flrst-elass Yorkshire Hotel: ood snd conditions to suitable applicant: also smart Barmaid. 24.

Mc QtrardJan," DCE OdoIc, KStcirSB Porter, and Pancryman ij required: ittvie wares. Manafer, Trvcctun itaUe Hotel. St. Ives Houiekiepera. companion, Ao.

Teoulred for edrkszffr coueile: 1-1- quiet and kineh bungmtow In Tunperley (near bus route): liberal ou tines: references. Address 30. Mc Ouardian 2. HOTJSXKXZPEtt Receptloislst ieuulleit by profeeslonal man: s. Me: all duties: free week-ends.

13. Mc, Ouardian 2. HOTOEKSXPXR-Caterer Wanted, In April or as eoon as possible, to be reaponelbie for domestic organisation of School Community o( 220: salary 2O0-250: resident. Apply itnnndlstely to the Head Mistress, Carterton School. Camforth, Lancashire.

MOTHER'S Help, 2 aduHe, 1 olxtkl: dally help kept: imett roodem house: rood wages. IB. Forndene Road. WHhlngton ('Phone IHrtaburv 3010). NORSK Companion Wanted, for elderly lady: light duties.

Appoy In writing, Mrs, Darlington. 156. Wlthlngtoo Road. Man-ciiester 16. OPPICBR'S Wife requires good Working Housekeeper: small modem house.

Hale district, on bus route: two young children, looked slter entirely by their mother: good vLscr. 283, "Mc Ouardian" 2. SQUIRED. Renned Lady possessing imtlsttve, intelligence, adaptability, and absolute truth worthiness to set as Secretary-lausekeeper to Bolton professional sent: plesse state age, auallflcatloni, and salary required; good home provided but highest lelerencet essential. 211, "Mc Ouardian." WORKING Housekeeper Wanted: 2 business gentlemen: south Mc: ret.

assen. Address. Giving full parties 155. Mc Ouardian Z. WORKING Housekeeper required in Hale: good home snd wages offered: gardener Address 37.

Mc Guardian 2. WORKING Housekeeper, one lady. mod. house In South port: good wales and outings Lenson Gowns, 43. Piccadilly.

Mc. 3 WEEK. Housekeeper; comfortaDle post 1 Cheedle Holme with grown-up family ot four: applicants who are -afraid of work responsibility need not apply. Address r9. Mc Guardian 2 B.B.C.

WEEKENI to k7 of ot of op OBomanr sBJiXurmar ar invJtec) gov to pcattfcm ot of the St. Jesnea'a CS: SWtwS aeGordrrsr so rttandani fVvl- tvt etm war bossos. Ftorrne of appZoatloa wtrkd csast be reUirued not later Cnan 4th March. 1944) may be obtained by aendlrsr a anvped nryiTMSTil enrrekaie to R. L.

-ROSY, Director or caucaaton. Town HaX, Charley. BvmaMs BKcunoK. axatnsaaC. nfli sfsFiJB tmirert from ortlnrmlMi Teaehera for vacancies in Sensor, Junior, and Infaxits Cooncll Behcet.

1945 trained tesscnesa atwuu not acpiyv asx Tsrarrsea Irs the SersVrr Seboola tneSode neasatxnr Mnale and Physscal Tralrknc Mistresses. salaries in accordance witn nomnam, rjcaie ncrja war sEowance. Carrvasarsr rjro- hiblted. Forme of savpVrttlrei whf be forwarded receipt ot stsarsped addressed foolscap earreiope by che Director of BdnrsHfwi, TOrrtrrion maces, Bunxvey, try woom atvescaenna xnust ne recerred not later than February 29, 1944. 1 assaat.

gown jierai-rr STXtCAoTIOFff rfmtswju'iu Acscftlzallnns are srretted for- the DMt ft Knlttiaie' InatMattreaa avt the Wokafaop tor the Hand ac a wars oi a iiti. a veer, tn-elodlnw war beams. Supersnswueed post. Candidate teuaiauaudBd tor appointment, wsi be required to paea a memrwT eTsiiatiaraxq AmliMliai feina Smss XMneSa TiSa atlin Education Offices, Burnley. Ctasrnc data tor applications, Monday.

February 28, 1944. Canrasalnc prohibited. ARCHIBALD GLXK. Town Clerk. SllTY OP COVXfTTRY.

'APPOINTMENT OF GENERAL MANAOER OP THE XCAHltSIS. AppUcarUms are invited for the post of General Manager of the City Markets and the public Abattoir. The salary offered la 650 per annum, rising (subject to satisfactory service) by 25 on the 1st April annually, beginning on the 1st April, 1945. to 750. though thi Corporation may be willing to adjust the commencing salary It the circ*mstances so warrant.

A war bonus, at the rate from time to time in force for the Corporation's officers will also be paid, and the appoinbsent will be terminable by a month's notice ter-xolnaUnc at the end ot a month. Candidates must be thoroughly experienced in the management ot tain, markets, and abattoirs, lrv'Tllns: by-products plants and abattoir englnetrlrur. The successful candidate will be required to pasi a medical examination and to eon tribute on the statutory basts to the Superannuation Fund tinder the Superannuation Acts, aa amerided In regard to amenities to widows by the Coventry Corporation Act, Z936. He will also be required to contribute to tba Staff Widows and Orpbans Pensions Scheme and to devote the wbo8 ot tils time to his official duties. There Is a prescribed form of application which, together with a list of duties, can be obtained by sending a stamped and addressed foolscap envelope to the undersigned.

Candidates must state their position as to liability for military or other forms ot National Service, and applications must reach the undersigned not later than the 4th March, 1944. Canvassing, directly or Indirectly, will be a dJsqtmllncstlon. FREDERICK SMITH, Town Clerk. Council House, Coventry, 10th February. 1944.

CITY OP MANCHESTER. WTTHINGTON HOSPITAL (1,150 Beds). APPOINTMENT OF ASSISTANT PHARMACIST (TEMPORARY). Applications are invited for the post ot temporary Assistant Pharmacist (nm-ieeldent) at the Wltblngton Hospital '(adult general). West DIdsbury, Manchester 20.

Candldatea miuit nwn nuallMtin- SocVew of granted by -or recognised by the Pharmaceutics! llvlmr wages addition amountlna to 17s. 6d. weekly in respect of a male officer and 14s. weekly in respect of a lamale officer. Olio post is subject to the terms and conditions of the Corporation Grading Scheme.

Applications stating fully the age. qualifications, and experience or the candidate, with. copies ot not mora than three recent testimonials, are to be addressed to tbe Medical Superintendent at the WltrUntton Hospital at soon aa possible. Canvassing in any form is prohibited. R.

H. ADOOCK. Town Clerk. Town Hall. Manchester 2, 16th February, 1944.


M.A. Required, as soon as possible, for a period not exceeding the duration ot hostilities, a Master or Mistress to take Mathematics and General Science in the Middle ami Lower School. Forms of application from the Director of Education, Education Offices, Deanagate, Manchester 3, should be returned by not later than March 6. 1944. CITY OP SALFOBD.

PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT. APPOINTMENT OF ALMONER (FEMALE). An Almoner is. required for social welfare work in connection with the treatment of venereal diseases. Preference will be given lo appucanie possessing tne certincate ox tne Institute ot Hospital Almoners.

Bslary 260. rising by annual Increments of 7 10s. to 300 per annum, plus a cost-of-living bonus (which Is at present 14s. per week), sublect to superannuation deductions. Form of application and other particulars relatlnc to the appointment may be obtained I ran.

tne juecuesi uiacer or ueagui, 14J, Resent Boad. Salford 5, by whom applications. Beccenaaiiled bv CAnlea nF not mam than three recent testimonials, must be received not later than 2bin February. 1344. H.

TOM30K. Town Clerk. CITY OF SALFORD. The TRANSPORT DEPARTMENT requires Female Clerks In connection with the Wages Section. Wages accordlnc to the Corporation Scale, Applications to be forwarded immediately to tbe General Manager.

Transport Department, Frederick Road, Salford 6. H. TOMSON. Town Cerk. CITY OF SALFORD.

Head Mistress required for the Girls" Deoartment of the Brouehton Senior Council School a new non-selective scbool opened in December, 1940. The school is provisionally In Grsde III: salary according to Scale III, plus wsr allowance. Lust date for submission ot applications, 4th March next. Forms may be obtained from the Director of Education, Education Office. Chapel Street.

Salford 3. H. H. TOMSON. Town Clerk.

CITY OF SALFORD PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT. SENIOR PHYSIO-THERAPIST HOPE HOSPITAL (Non-resident). Applications from fully qualified Persons are Invited for this post. Experience of rehabilitation work and control of staff will be ct advantage. Salary 270, rising by 15 annually to 300 per annum, plus temporary bonus ot 14s.

per week. Tbe post la subject to the provisions ot the Local Government Superannuation Act. 1537. Form ot application and particulars ot the appointment may be obtained from the Medical Officer of Health, 243, Resent Road. Salrord 5, by whom applications cnuit be received not later than 26th February, 1944.


HEALTH NURSING SERVICE ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT OF HEALTH VISITORS. SCHOOL NURSES. AND TUBERCULOSIS VISITORS. Applications re invited lor the above appointment. The City Council at their next meeting will consider the adoption of the RushclifTe Committee's Scsle of Sslarles and candidates msy make their application conditional upon Its adoption.

(Sslsry 340. rising by annual increments of 15 to 430. followed by one farther Increment of 10 to 440.) Candidates must be State-registered nurses and possess the health visitor's certlOcate ot the Royal Sanitary Institute. The officer appointed will also be required to undertake duties In connection with the Adaption of Children (Regulation) Act, 1939. snd to act as Infant Life Protection Officer.

The post will be subject to the provisions of the Local Government Superannuation Act, 1937. and the successful candidate will be required to pass a medical examination. Forms sppUcatlon and conditions of e.ppointment may be obtained from the Medical Officer of Health. Public Health Department. 143.

Recent Road. Salford 5. to whom forms fmist be returned, together with copies of three recent testimonials, not later than the 28th February. 1944. H.

TOMSON. Town Clerk. COCNTY BOROUGH OP BURY. CHIEF INTERNAL AUDIT CLERK. Applications are Invited tor the above-mentioned temporary Appointment at a salary In accordance with Grade (Professional.

Technical, and Administrative Division) ot the Lancashire and Cheshire provincial salary scales, plus war bonus ot 17s. 6d. per week. The appointment will (subject to satisfactory service) be for the duration of the war. and will be terminable by one month's notice on either side Applications, statute age.

qualifications (Including particulars ot professiansl examinations passed), and experience, and civtnc the names snd addresses of three persons to whom reference msy be made, must be delivered to tbe undersigned not later than Friday the 25th February. 1944. H. D. A.

ROBERTSON Town Clerk. Municipal Offices. Bank Street, Bury. 12th February. 1944.

fTOUNTY BOROUGH OF BURY APPOINTMENT OF TRANSPORT MANAGER. Applications are invited for tbe appointment of Transport Manager at a salary of 750, rising, subject to satisfactory service, by three annual lncremenu of 50 to a maximum of 900 per annum inclusive of cost-of -Hying bonus. Candidates should have had considerable experience in the administration and development of a transport tmdertakins. Experience or a tramways "lfrtsnnc will be sn sd vantage. The appointment will be subject to the provisions of tbe Local Government Superannuation Act, 1937, and the selected candidate will be required to pass satlsltctorlhr a medical rramfnation- The appointment will be auoyecs to uiree cajrnoax months notice in writing on either side.

be obtained from ma the rmdersimnf. inntha with copies at not store than three recent Kwwwaa suouiu oe GTi.TriTu to me, endorsed "Transport so as to be received not later than Monday the 28th day of D. A. ROBERTSON. Town Cerk.

Municipal Offices. Bank Street, Bury. 1 xcoruary. l-JSS. COUNTY BOROUGH OP ROCHDALE? MUNICIPAL HIGH STJIaWJlTsOrl GIRLS.

GRES39HILL. Head Mistress: Miss E. KEATING, B-A. Applications are isrlted tar the post of Physics Mistress, vacant tn September" The work includes physics In School Certificate and Higher School Certificate. Csnrndstes should state what subsidiary subjects they can offer and be prepared to share in oat ot school activities.

AppUcatlnri sionld be made aa soon as pcsslble on forms -to be obtained from the sjtrerajr or g-aqcasion. aowpneaa. wnTTrTSie "lOrrfJTx" COUNCIL OF THE WEST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE. CASTLSPORD GRAMMAR SCHOOL-rOadm Wal Reqalred. to cormnerrce It on April aw.

vtauusuat, 1 rail Ticar 'f a sear ja cjji Science, sitrdecta. This post Is an me nas ra mexcaaea ff ana is xtot a war apcsxoitraent. rntereat In usnal school activtttes expected. salary. vji-ti tr.l.

-with war borrns- Arjcgscaxaon fixema may uswujcss jecaupa ox a axsanpeci sjQrsaterl envelope from Mr. M. a. Swxdne. Clerk to Governors.

xUrKatiua Ofllfee. S7. STrntwaaxeae Lane. Csstleford. and iwuldbe rettrrned to the Head Master at tbe school not later -March SMAU.

Memltlon Girls Btsttet reentrea Assistant Supermtendent: 8 hotns daily: -nrlchs-aatt aoldiers wife with, yotxnc czrSal or lady over reglxtratico ace: live in: acod Apipcy aaaaroa. irauwasr s'Sace isrxrses. Situations Wanted TTftnan sfBpjm Post: good cook. is!" capable, txnetororthj: 1. aaye uumtui A Elderly Married Couple, actlsw and eorn- penent.

ziow witnoos aaaa, wosua uxxt 10 rmdertak light duties tor barhslnr or amall family. Address 46. "Mc Guardian" 2. rroaw, esrly fortlec, desires post Cbta-" Pinion Housekeeper to elderOy lady or gent, where help given. Address 247, XJSTOXyR est wen-known Bmuness Man desires position as tvOfnpanion or xjaay jsonso-keeper with gentle? oik where maid or help: small salary for very eorofortahls home: S.

Msnchester or St. Annes. Address 186, Mc Orrsrdlsn 2. Tutor. CoTerncaics, AesSBTAKV lalstrets Wanted for September -Ca- to teach History and Geography to blther school certificate standard: resident post tn recosmiasd Tinsfrrlna' Scbool for Olrla (75): salary accordlnr to quahScaUsiis and experience.

Apply Principals, St. Anne's School. Browbead. Windermere KINO EDWARD VII SCHOOL. LYTHAM.

Wanted from the beginning of the fitimmer Term, a Master (temporary) to teach Mathe-matlct up to the Srtt-yeat Higher Certificate, with soma Junior Physic. Btxrnham Scale with war bonus. Apply Bead Master. MATRON Wanted. In May.

for School House: no eaterlnar. Apply Mrs. L. R. Taylor, Ivans House.

Sedbenth. Yorkshire. rrnrrOR. tor Private College, Manchester: JL sobiects reqnlped. Physics: state decree or aualincaeiona, aae.

asvd salary required 165. Mc On-rrtin 2. Clerical and Choir MORAL Welfare Diocesan Outdoor Worker Wanted, June or earlier: salary acccirdlnc experience. Apply the Arabdeaeon of Man-ch eater. Room' 25.

90. Deanagate. Mc 3. Legal rf ANCmmiH Solicitors require Clerk, able to set witn augnt supervtuon in convey-anclnc, probate, and general matters. Address 114.

"Mc Ouardian" 2. SOLICITORS' Clerk (exempt) Wanted: competent carry through probate and convey-anrana; with little supertlslaa: knowledge magisterial aa advantage: bouse available: Yorkshire (W.R.). AddreM K54. "Mc Guardian" 2. Accountancy ACCOUNTANT (Male) required by asrge Wesc BkUnc textile company, schebuktt uader Essential work Order: must have full knowledge of sxcounta and an aa-round experience proereatlve poaiUon to naSst mam state ace.

experience, quonnea- ')tU7 WParfi. Box 227. X), Bradford. IMPORTANT Firm ot Chartered Accountants require for their Manchester office experienced Audit Assistants. Address, statins full particulars, 254.

"Mc Guardian "2. EADXIfu firm of Chartered Accountants J-l require Junior Assistant In Trade Federation Department, and also Office Boy, with or without previous office experience. Address 253. "Mc Ouardian" 2. MANCHESTER Chartered Accountant has Vacancy for Senior Clerk' please state age, wage, and experience.

128, "McOuard." QUALIFIED Accountant wishes to Purchase Practice, either amall or lire, r. 7 oh. Situations Wanted Chart. seeks Post: Msn Chester and Dlst A 189. Mc Medical THIRST-CLASS Chiropodist Wanted.

Apply i puss*er 3. South gate street. Bath TjlOR SALE, Qualified DENTAL PRACTICE -a. in professional area of Manchester: established 1907: well-equipped surgery with Hitter X-ray machine: death vacsusev. -iAt S-3 BEATRICE OOFOSD, 10-12, St.

Ann's Square. Manchester. 'Phone BLA, 9009. SUPERFLUOUS Hair, Moles: latest method Lilian Brewster, D.B., 257, Wellington Rd. H.jHeaton Chape), Stockport.

Tel. Hex. 1494. OCPHiPLOOBS Hair, Moles. Permanently Removed by flrst-class Operator of wide experience: cure cusranteed: moderate fee.

PHYLLIS CRANK 26, Corporation Street. Manchester. Tel. BLA. 3704.

Entertainment PUNCH, Judy, Marionette, Magician. Clown. 119. AH Saints'. Mc.

Public Offices and Institutions ATHERTON URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL. BRITISH RESTAURANT SUPERVISOR. Applications are invited for the appointment Supervisor at the British Restaurant vrnjch the Council have established as a war-time measure. Commencing salary 300 per annum. The successful applicant will be required to pass a medical examination and to contribute to the Superannuation Vond.

Applicants must have had experience of providing and cooking meals tor large numbers of persons, be cspable of preparing menus, keeping the necessary records, and generally supervising the Restaurant. Applications, accompanied by copies ot not more than three recent testlmoxtals. and endorsed Supervisor." should be sent to the undersigned not later than Friday the 25th February, 1944. A. J.

KEDWARD. clerk of the Council. Town Hal, Atherton, 10th February, 1944 OROUOH OP BUXTON. SEWAGE WORKS MANAGER. The Health Committee invite appUcatlona for the above Appointment at a salary ot 320.

rislnc by annual Increments ot 15 to 350 ser annum, plus cost-of-living bonus. Candidates must nave had experience In the management ot almilar works, and be competent to carry out sew ire analysis. Preference will be tfiven to applicants who have passed the Associate Membership Examination the Institute ot Sewage, Purification. Applications, atatlng age. qualifications, and experience, accompanied by copies of three recent testimonials, to be received by the undersigned not ister tbstr Monday, March 6.

A. C. W. RYLAND, Borough Engineer. Town Hall, Buxton, February 11, 1944.

BOROUGH OF MACCLESFIELD EDUCATION COMMITTEE. SWIMMINO CLASSES. Applications are Invited for the appointment a Salmmlng Teacher (man or woman) tor Boys for the summer Season, 1944. Classes are held at the Baths on 312 dsys each school week. Particulars of duties, remuneration.

Arc, may be orftained from the undersigned. Appll- ntlnnt. stating a vnjrtTiij Jtrr minm- panled by two testimonials), to be received by I me on or oeiore uptn reoruary. uanvsssmg in any form a disqualification. T.

MELLOR, Secretary for Education. Town Hall. Macclesfield. BOROUGH OF SW1KTOK AND PENDLEBURY. ST.

AUGUSTINE INFANTS' SCHOOL. Certificated Assistant Mistress wanted for class at he above-named atihool Appucants should havse had at least one year's teschirvz experience. Salary In accordance with Scale in, runs bonus. Form of application may be obtained from the undemcned. Completed applications to be returned to Canon E.

T. Kerby, M.A., St. Aucusttne'a Vicarage, Pendlebury. near Manchester, not later than 5th Mnrch. 1944.

ARTHUR B. MILLS. Director ot Education. Town Hall. Swlnton.

Lancashire. aOAPABLE all-round Brushmaker Wanted: chiefly Boring and Trimming Apply Superintendent, Homes for tbe Blind. Fnlwood, Preston. PROGRAMMES contralto Sonrs. olga Haley.

11 20 Maurice Wlnnlck'a Orchestra 12 0 12 20 a-m. Time: News, rOK THE FORCES 1 (296.1 Metres); -B77ics. (342.1 Metres! 6 30 a.m. Gramophiitie Reveille 1 7 0 Time Big Ben: News. 7 15 Jubilee." Bennv Carter's Orchestra (Recording).

7 45 Gramophone: "Morning Star." The Boswell Sisters. 8 0 Time- News. 15 Home Service. 10 1S London Studio Players (Kecordinc). 10 30 Home Service.

11 0 Time. Big Ben. Gramophone. Three-hand Session. 11 35 Home Service.

13 30 p.m.: Ortmopncne "Saturday Uomlnr Prom." 10: Time: News. 1 15 "Sweet and Swing; Rer. Pursflore e- Orchntra and Jack Simpson's Sextet. 3 0 Home Service. 2 30 Gramophone.

Variety. 3 0: B.B c. Variety Orchestra 3 30 Part Songs by Wesh Composers. Shotton Welsh Glee Choir. 3 45 Association Football.

England v. Scotland. 4 45 BJB c. Theatre Organ. 5 0 B3 C.

Northern Orchestra. 5 30 "Atlantic Spotlight." BlUy Tement's Dance Orchestra Produced In New York and tn London. 0 0 Time. News! 6 30 Shipmates Ashore." The Merchant Navy (Recording). 7 fcews from Canada.

7 5:" First Flights." Programme for Cadets of the Air Training Corps (Recording). 7 35 Desert Island D-Jes 11 Wing Commsnder Ouy Gibson "xj. Hoy Plom-ev. a 0 Chappell's Queen's Hall Light Orchestra, a 30 BlUy Cotton Band 9 0 Big Ben Minute: News. 9 20 into 'Dont Forget the Diver." by Martin Chlsholm.

9 30 Bandstand." The Augmented Bic. Orchestra. 10 15 When Day is Done." The Serenadert. 10 30 Victor Silvesters Ballroom Orchestra. 11 0 Close.

B3 C. Theatre Organ, water Quintet. 12 0 12 20 11 30 Leslie Bridce- T-me; Sews. FOBt THE FOstCES 1.013kca. (296-1 Metres): STTkos.

(3421 Metres). SO s.ra.1 Oraffiopbone. Reveille 1" 70: Time. Bis; Ben: Sesa. 7 15 Home Service.

7 30 Gramophone. Slgxaund Romberg's Mnsie for New Moon." 8 0: Andre Kostelaseci's Orchestra (Recording), a 30 Cairo Calling." for the Middle East rtucea. 9 0 Time: New. 9 30 1 Sunday Serenade." Scottish Variety Orchestra. 10 15 For Isolated Units- Service from Ruehili Church, aaarow.

10 30 For the Indian Forces- 11 0 Time. Big Ben: Royal Military School ot Music Band. 11 30 Workers' Playtime (Recording). 12 0 Jay Wilbur's Orchestra- 12 30 r-rau: Tommy Handley in I tma (Recording). 10: Time: News.

1 15 The Jack Benny Programme iRecorded ia America). 1 40 The Radio Debutantes." With Harry Fryer's Orchestra. 2 15 Ice Hockey. Narjona! Hockey Leccne Game, at the Maple Leaf Garden. Toronto.

Relayed from Canada. 2 30: Johnny Canuck's Reuse." 'Variety Show by Members of the Cnnartlstt Army and the Royal CsnarHan Air Force. 3 0 Pcrdvsl Meeker's Orchestra. 3 30 The Green-room Rac Adejphl Theatre Orchestra. 4 IS: The' Brains Trust, (Recorded).

5 0: The Dfary of Jerome Kern. American Sonc Writer, by Margaret -Miller. 5 20 The Week's Film, by Moore Rajxnond. 5 30 Transatlantic Call People to Peooie." So. 53 Gateway to Battle, a Pletor of the Port of Uvsspoel.

by Audrey Jones. 0 0 Time; Neva. 30 BJB.C. Midland Light Orctnetre. "Strings on Parade 7 Kewa from CaxMdlan.

7 5: Weakly Newa-letier. 7 15: "The Happidrome." ortmeatra and Ohorus. SO: A Friend at Your -Piano." 8,15 orand Hotel." Albert Sander's Palm Court Orchestra. 4 9 0: Blc Ben JCnBte: Ken, with Fact. script- 9 30 Ksdio PCS 2.

J. B. Fnestleyc Variety Mage vine for Forces Overseas (Recording). 10 0 "The Armrhalr Traveller." Frederick Ptftard. 10 20: Eptlogue.

10 30 Ted Heath's Music. 11 0 Ennruil'isJN is mgaai'Miw ACBXicfl tone are invited car the aeseitns- xsent of a Trained CertxVated IllstHia for Special of RetssvJcd Crslksren wfstch la to tse afalYI i il a vaie! Road Ccsinett Scbool. Barren. At least one yeafa expers-esxee ia esatritlal. Salaxx in accxrrdBxste with Burnssazn Scsoe S3, suns an addxchnsat snore-xsatat and war alsosranee.

imeaoon forms, wtscn snoctd oe returned ednaeday let March. 0944, may be rrorn DM tm ibssi mkl on ii fi ok a T. B. W3U2S. TxMetor of MacaOon oaceev Darweru -pOXETWOOD HOSPTTAI.

(40 Beds). JT Assistant Matron and Theatre Slater (combined neati reemtrad. Salary in accordance with the HnihcUffe Scale. Uniform In force. Apply with particulars to Matron, airinc Matron's name for refcrence- COTJNTT EDUCATION Hxervroars SCHOOL.

Head Msster: A. OLDROTD, HA. A Treussed Oessdosste -(man or woman), qoxtUSed to teax3 MathesnaUcs 3C. cHaradsvrd and Physics to lower forms, la irqulred, to dnty on 1st May. 1944.

The appceniment win be tecoporary dttnnc tbe war but there an very good prorpecta ot perxnanener for a suitable candidate after the war. flroMrVtona (no forma), gMnc axe. qnall-flrattnrri, and experience, together with three aestlrnonlals. should be sent not later, than 4th March, to the unelraalgned. 3JSS.

T. PEAR90N, derk to the Governors. axeaeation irmce. sieywooq. "rVrORTH RIDING ASSOCIATION OF AX GIRLS' CLUBS AND MXXSD CLCSS.

SCARBOROUGH CHRISTIAN YOUTH CLUBS. orcaniser or Wanted. Interestm post with scope for lautjatlve. Salary 250-75. AppUcatlona by March 3 to Miss H.

Carruthera, 140. High Street. Northallerton. fkLDHAM ROYAL INFIRMARY. OLDHAM.

Applies tions are invited for the mat af non-resident 7harxe Masseuse. Salary excording ar Bmt7 acaue. reueraieo. etipcxannuauon schrfflft is in force. Applications, givinc training and 1 subsequent experience, to be made to tbe Lady superintendent ot Nurse.

This advertisem*nt is published by permission ot the Ministry of Labour and National Service. EDUCATION OOMMTTTIE. esTEtTJVESDAXiS OFflEN-AIB. SCTSOOL. Wanted, a non-resident Assistant Teacbtr for the above school.

Salary Burnham Scale 'HI (phis extra Increment for special school service up to tbe maximum). This school, which is a modern bulletins' situated in open country on tbe slants ot the) Pennine, was opened shortly before the war. It has accormnodstlon for 30 boarders and 90 day pepils and Is equipped in a thoroughly up-to-date manner. The appointment would offer a valuable opportunity to a teacher seeking the special experience that can be obtained at this type of school. Application forms may be obtained from the undersigned.

MAURICE Director et Education. Education Offices. Oldham. February 10. 1944 ROCHDALE INFIRMARY AND DISPENSARY.

(110 Beds.) HONORARY SURGEON IN CHARGE OF EAR, NOSE, AND THROAT DEPARTMENT. (Temporary.) The Board of Management invite applications for the above appointment. Candidates, who must be graduates In Medicine and Surgery, will be reoulred to aatlsfv th committ regard to their practical experience Jn this apcciai hoik. Applications should be addressed to the undersigned, from whom full particulars of the appointment may be had. w.

Wynne, superintendent and Secretary. Infirmary Office. 11E UNlVkUBlfrv rxp aeaew inmjnw. jAemacstlorai tvte invited for rrpoJrjtmeTit vao --am iiaea jecruresiiop in post-Biblical Jewish Studies. The appotntmeirt lie for period of three years, in the first place.

nOOi tdse poasibtrrcy of renetwaj. stipend First yesr 400, eeoond year 450. third year 500. IreTreasinc (If Trnrjiolrited) to a mi-vimirm of 650 per armum Asnrlcants must be arradnates of approved nnd must txMsesa a snecaallat knowleATe nf Talmud and TsAnudsc literature. Duties to ccmrnenee sessecsooT 29.

1344. Appcicatioirs must be Sent by March 25, 1944, to che Registrar. The UisVversity, Manchester 13, from whom further particulars may be obtained. WEST RIDING COUNTY COUNCIL. NORTONTHOPJPE REMAND HOME, SCISSETT, NEAR HUDDERSFIELD.

Required Immediately, unmarried male Certificated Teacher, with Handicraft Qualification (Woodwork). Salary Burnham Scale III. plus war bonus and board residence. For particulars and form of application apply to the Education Officer, County Hail Wakefield. Drapery, Millinery.

Tailoring, Ac. EXPERIENCED Alteration Hand required tor Smart Outattirm 76, Market Street, Manchester. No heavr work. SALESMAN required for Bays' Department: used to tood-class trade: excellent prospects wr ib man. avarj amrno Ann's Square.

Manchester 2. Engineers, Draughtsmen, Meotianlcs Situations- Wanted AUTOMOBILE Elect. En (39), hb3hly JS- qualified theoretical and practical experience In all lta branches, 12 years own business, seeks Appointment of national Importance. Address 171. Mc Guardian 2.

Journalists "TjUSST-CLASS Sub-Editor Wanted for Man--S- Chester edition of nations! daily ewe-paper. 882. Mc Guardian TSEPORTER wanted for Weekly Newspapers: XV good notetaker and interviewer: permanency with prospects. "South Notts Echo," St. Peter's Church Walk.

Nottinghsm. Situations Wanted WOMAN Journalist, experienced, is open to Write Housewifery Articles, psge or column. Address 26. Mc Guardian 2. Printers.

Pressmen. Ac. Wanted (n.s standard rates. 291. "Mc Ouardian 2.

INO. Operator required for News (gra6e sJ 3, with bonus); also Comp, for News Jobbing. Apply Works Manager, Guardian Office. Warrington. LINOTYPE (or latertype) Operator (TjA.) required; newe or news and johblnc.

co*ckBURN SON, "Obterver" Office, Oeeett. Yorkshire. Boys. Youth, and Apprentice ESTATE Agent and Valuer has Vacancy tor well-educated Youth. Address 294, Mc Ouardian 2.

QUART Youth. 14-16, Wanted, for OMlce k3 in Manchester Box Factory- Address 28. Me Ouardian 2 Managers, Foramen, etc A Large Bleotrical slnclneerinc Works In the NIW. ot Enckud requires Two Technical Aawlstanrts. with sound mechanacel knowdge, for one of uietr maes procluotlon deportments: appUoailon letters, statme full particulars, salary required, dec.

32. "Mc Guardian." APPLICATIONS are invited by a small, well-known Firm ot a ear Manufacturers for the post ot Commercial Manager, fully responsible to the Board for the commercial management, sales policy, and expansion ot the business, both In the home and export markets: age 35-45: qualifications, engineer with commercial and sales experience in the engineering and allied trades: knowledge of gear trade not essential, but a distinct advantage: good salary and commission and excellent prospects tor applicant with drive, energy, and Initiative: applications, which sre in oenndencc. must Include full details of qualifications, age. positions held, and salartea received. Address 70.

Mc Gusrdlsn 2. ASSISTANT Brewer required for medium-sued Brewery in the North-west: position offers scope for sound and enthusiastic man: applications with- particulars of experience, see, and salary required. Address BZ 53, Mc Guardian 2. CALICO Printer, also, a Dyer and a Finisher Wanted, for large Textile Works abroad: each must be above military age or not liable for service: state full details in confidence. Address 124.

Mc Ouardian 2. -TANNING Factory requires Works Manager: must bave fail knowledge ot production requirements anri ability to control staff: give details of quslincatlons, ace, and experience. Address 512. "Me Ouardian" 2. ffOMBER OVERLOOKER Setter (Naamith): Vi Manchester Fine Mill: permanent position; work or play.

196. Mc Guardian 2. DAVID MOSELEY dc SONS. Dolphin Street Works, Ardwlck, require practical Waterproof Garment Foreman: waterproos and raincoat experience essential: knowledge- of conveyor belts an advantage: only applicants having held position as foreman will be considered. Write in cxmndence.

stattnc ase. experience, and salary required. ENGINEER erequired to take charge maintenance and machine design In vrell-known Factory in Midlands 'engaged in essential work: permanent position with good post-war prospects for man with experience. Initiative, and drive: ace 35-45: clve full particulars ot training, experience, and Qualifications, tcerether with salaries received' and expected. Address P34.

Mc Guardian" 2. 1 ENGINEER Wanted in part-time advisory capacity, with experience of butt. Sash, and spot welding as applied to light steel aecttons: possibility of permanent position for suitable man tor post-war, if desired. Address 83. "Myc Guardian 2.

sauttsaiAN Drawer-m wanted for Rayon, srsam i Plain and Shaft work: fan ecarrimv wvsu utrie uester or eoxt-tfoHlnc labour: good wares for the right Address 82. Mc auardlan 2. S.VJHEMAN Teqaared for the Bottrery of a Breweir In N.W. Eniuuid: good noiitlon for energetle and capable man: give details of references, age. and salary required.

Address K52. "Mc Onartlan" 2. HEAD Foundry Foreman Wanted for three large Foundries Lsncistrtrc: experience mainly amall and medlnm size repetltlca high Quality castings in cast iron with a smaller quantity of nra-ferroua work: balk of work plate TivmlrtrnsT xmast have experience In tbe orcanlsstion of labour and a krxnrdce of mechanised foundry methods would be an advantage: good prospects for a first-class man: state ace. experience, and it and when tree to take up duties. Address 90.

Mr Guardian 2. TRON luundty Maaaier Wanted, Leeds rSs-X trlet: experienced In light and heavy rs timer, repetition and Jobbing, bumper and sand altncer nraehines. 100130 tons weekly: must he good mirgxttdgtr and 'vplfnarlan. Address statin ace. wages, snd experience.

95. "Mc QnarduBJ' 2. 1 MANAGER Wanted for Design Department of -progressive sTrarrnfyrinsT Firm In the West Rtrtlnst of YortSB give fan detaCs" cf experience and apprctdniar aslary requlred. Address 48. "Me Ouardian 2.

MANAGER required to take charge (under rjepartmentsl Manager) of Central Drapery and Paxriion Store, hartng an anrnral turnover of E6O.00O: man be flrst-clsxs wmdowitii isti azsd trrternal cUafxar srxtrialisc-prartlcal knowledge ot sss-tdorralismtion an advantage: raast be exwapt tram Natlanal Sexvlcc and be canable at oxqtTcJnng staff: sasex-tttmiraHQB scterna In orxeratkm. ArUc5otui sbonu be svthmtnetl not later than February 26. auttnc otiafjartlotB. experience, fure, and win leuulred. and be addressed' to The Secretary Society.

51. Downtrat Street, af- rfrr 1. endorsed Central Drsnrry saasasxr." MANAGES wertted Sor Rayon Weavlcgf MUX la cotratry district, fn2y qnaUfied to comoiete ctsarca ot compact mUl cc-rermw all Uiutuai eiratro vmtler one root: mtatthavw fall tevtmiral and practical imowiedge of warp PtrxuhCa tritrtpima rnirmg, and weavlusL: onlv weal nmnitfr- lITnarlsn il. and eeaeeariw aasau aawaiawiBi am, s-v, aaB nafAHAOEB (Production) Wanted for well- csuwuun awvBpcroua factory: roust bai thmxaoathly in cooked meats. aaneaee.

and xor man wiua and enterprise. niTiliess anetna. entt tirmsTS. xu, T3RACTICAL Msnsxer Wanted for cnttm, XT Ckithlnc Factory to take fun control of the makinc-up from the entang to the finished garment-, must he strict duvdpUnsrian and experienced in np-to-date cUvtstonal systems of mass roducttan: post-war prospects: state age- experlericsL- and salary (is confidence. Address 53.

Mc Ouardian" 2. kmLT BUYER Wi sytands and Sons, Marichester, reardre atia aaivleea of a Wfx-taaaa Man fn- Hui. larce nro JOullt and Bedspread Department. Ataay or txi. auvuas Bwrts-niars.

to use Secretary, 6, BJgh Street, Manchester. Keojiu wrnt, aaanager rwanxrea By wholesale Firm ot Radio Distributors an work of national permanent atttratlont good wages: mnatbe thoronthly experienced and able to control staff. Address, -staung experl-ence. wart reqrjlred. A 92.

Me OuarfUan' U. RAINCOAT. Clotrrlng. and Waxerproor Msxni-turers require fully experienced capahla of takinc coerapleta control ot stockroom: oniy trtoae with pzovwd T'itT Irnre Inrrt to obtain a pnvwxflTa tUmtton need ipoiy. Address full details of experience, awe.

and' salary required. It 69. "Mo amtrdlaa zT rriOOTAIi RD DHUHtfr LEE COMPANY. JL TMTTFfTf. Spinners and Manafsetureri.

56, Oxford Street, Manchehster 1. wish to enrage Man with complete knowledge of cloth construction and etytinc of cotton, wool, silk; rayon, and mixture fabrics: must be familiar with all types yam, including combination ot synthetic and natural fibres and their reaction to dyeing and finishing. Apply, In writing, stating qosllticatlons and education, care ot "Secretary." WANTED, for Senior Executive Position, Man (35-45) with sound working knowledge cotton Industry: university degree In eeonanuea or commerce essential mutttrnM lsb. training and management an advantage: fall partla w. st.

sum at oon. nave vacancies for Mobile ReUet stsuiasMior sprfieatioDS caa only beconeadered from those toll trattlnc I oxwsraUe, bat ipectal tralniner owasc aae, t-aputesjee. and iearred. also uoaatry otToour posJUon. Ostrict efapeiireSetidenr, Mr.

C. E. Brarrajls Ktasa Road. Sale, MaDcheater TSTOHKB Manager required by oJo-eiUbllihtd WW Firm irTtn. West JWcana; ot Yorkshlri emnioylnK about 100 workpeople: mutt bare practical warkinc knowledge ot sheet-metal work (small): an advantage it some experience la press tools.

macbrBlct bras and alununlam: permanent post with prospects for a thorcMhlj dependable Man who canoontrol wortaseopand supervise eoetings. Address 33. Mc Ouardian i. "VVTORKS Superintendent required by well-TV known Firm of Genera! Engineers near Msnchester: up-to-date practical experlenceln the handling and tooling ot modem machines essential: some knowledce of gear-cutting and sheet-metal work an advantage: excellent postwar prospects to sound, practical engineer with initiative and drive, who will cc-ocerate with labour to get the best results: state age, details of career Jn chronological order, giving dates education, salary required, and position as to Immediate release. 71.

Mc Guardian 2 Situations Wanted iWHUMIST, statistician. Administrator M.A.. kSSSSS accountancy, ormmerolal law, aged 53. exempt, icq, pos. with post-war pros.

209 TXECUTIVE Manager. Production Engineer, Jj Coat AnaJyst, open for position: cloths, toodsjuas. Sundry: 20 years' experience 10. Beaumont Rosd. Manoheater 21 EXECUTIVE Position.

Process EstlmaUng and Rate fixing Engineer: used to planning Hiving calculated times for all operations and labour estimates: post-war prospects: 30 years' experience. Address 37. Me GuRrmat. FOUNDRY MsnsBer (age 43) desires Position where flm-daes practical and technical ecnerlerjce and amity to obtain results wouid be used: eecperienced In ail pOiases ujvjruuuig CSHraSHISJ, COSting, snd rsteflxlne. Address 39.

"Mc Guardian "2 FIRST-CLASS Winding and Beaming Overlooker requires position with progressive nrm. Auaress s. mc Guardian 2 HM'ECMJcUICATm EnrityMi. nf m1AAm J-vAspeciallst textile technology and irischlnery best continental training, fair linguist, great capchculo iu uuyuig, aau selling oi rugn-class British textile maohlnery and accessories in Central and Eastern Europe, offers his Services for planning post-war export trade: good references. Address 107 Mc WORKS Msnager of Factory In S.

London wishes to Change his Situation because of personal reasons. I. 73. Mc Gusrdlsn." Manageresses and Forewomen ASSISTANT Manageress Wanted for Industrial Canteen, larce works, Manchester-Oldham district: modem eonlnment mnA salary accordlnc to experience and ability: apply uj leivcr, maiing- age, training, ana experience, Address 49. "Mc Ouardian" 2.

CANTEEN Manageress required to control small staff and worlei canteen, aitatjnir approximately 200, providing; day and night service in works encased us steel manufacture: permanent position for satisfactory applicant, who should be capable of takinc complete control: reply, stating ase, experience, ealsry required, and when at liberty, to the Managing; Director. Crown steel and Wire Mills, Sheffield 9. Situations Wanted WOMAN, experienced Industrial Canteena. requires Post In charge of one or more canteens any area: knowledge M.O J. returns.

Address Bl Mc Guardian 2. Clerks, Assistant. Ac, Wanted BOOKKEEPERS. Male or Female Bookkeeper required tor permanent positions with firm registered under Essential work Order. Adores in first instance with full details.

78. "Mc Ouardian" 2. CITY Estate Agents require Senior and Junior Shorthand Typists: must be good writers and quick at figures: state age, experience, and sslsry required. F146, "Mc Guardian" 2 CLERK, male or female, for email Office: with knovldge ot typing and bookkeeping: whole or part time: permanent position: state age and experience. lOl.

Mc Guard." CLERK, for Contractors' Office: wsges, bookkeeping, costing: permanent position: state salary required. 53, "Mc Guardian 2. CONTROLLED Undertaking under Ministry ot War Transport has Vacancies for Trsfflc Clerk and Bookkeeper Shorthand Typist: good prospects, but applicants must be experienced: full details and salary required. Address 31, Mc Guardian 2 ESTATE Agent and Valuer has Vacancy for well-educated Girl. Address 293, Mc Gusrdlsn 2.

EXPERIENCED storekeeper and Packer, to take charge of Paint Department, Apply Decorators Supply Company, 105, Deatmste. psXPERIENCED Cashier Bookkeeper (female) -a-J required for Smart Outfitting 76, Market Street, Manchester. Must be steady and reliable worker. pXPERT Shorthand Typist required aa Secre-Xs tary to Film Renters' Branch Mantger: permanent post: good salary to suitable applicant. Address 169, Mo auardlss." TOEMALS Wages (Sere and Bookkeeper eiate age, wage, ana exp Address 184.

"Mc Guardian "2 fjiIRL. 1416. tor Accoi.its Office: experl-vr ence not essential, but must be good at neures: ipod prospects and wages. Address 242. Mc GuardlaJ 2.

GIRL (14-16) for City Office: typing not Address 190, Mc Gusrdlsn 2. GIRL. 16-18 ears Wanted, for hWht labora- tory duties at factory lei pleasant sur- rouncHncs. SacWeworth district: preference to applicants with school certificate or ability to 2K2.T?'h-cur:icT- 99, "Mc Guardian TXANDICERCHIEF Manufacturers require Man -X--S- for Warehouse: must be fully competent in receipt and d'spatch of goods: state ace, wage, and all parties 6. Mc Ouardian." INVOICE Typists urgently required by Firm registered under Essential Work Order.

Address, giving details, 79. Mc Ouardian." KENDAL, MILNE At CO. bave Vacancies tor experienced Saleswomen their Handbags, Girls' Outfitting, Books, Groves, Jewellery, shoes, and Costume Departments: excellent working conditions: good csnteen. Apply personally Women's Staff Supervisor. ADY Clerk-Typist required for general office XJ work.

Apply to Tlser. Atlas Works, Holllnwood Avenue, New Moston. ADY Clerk, with knowledge ot typing; pre-X4 terred, required for Sales Department at Engineering Firm in Eccles district: state ate. salary, and experience. 96.

Mc Guard." ADY Clerk and ahorUund Typist required Xi by Oollyhurst firm: preiershly with office experience and accustomed to telephone: applicants mint be under or over registration ase or exempt N.S. Address, givinc full details, 100. "Me auirdUa" 2. 1FS Aesurance Company has Vacancy for xs Junior Female Clerk, about 16: shorthand and typing not but an advanuce. Ackbas 132.

Mc Ouardian 2. Vf ALE or Female Invoice Typist Wanted, and -f- assist with clerical duties for Box Manufacturers Office. Old Trafford: must be quick at figures and not eligible for military or National Service: state wages required. Address 55. Mc Guardlsn 2.

l)r ALE derk required, for Bales Department of Enslaeerinc Firm in Eccles district: state age, salary, and experience. Address 9. "Mc Guardian' 2 XfANUPACTURINO Electrical Engineers require Junior Male or Female Assistant for Bookkeeplnc: protecied esxabllsbment: per-nanency for right person. 68, Mc Guard." fTTl(X Ofrl for larre wholesale Food Dlatrl-vv butors: rood prcetpeets: atate are and 136. "Mc Guardian 2.

PART-TIM2 Designer ot Steel Windows and stt1 Stnictores Wanted: work jouldbe carried out in own time: ixrevlona in this type of work essential. Address 84. Me Guardian 2. XART-TIMX Bookkeeper Wanted: hours J- arranged to suit anpueant'a ctmrerilenee. 1 1 i-u -a, co*knrtit, or Tottzat laddy with artistic TXErX -r2 "Jin xor asocern studio.

AcMress o7, Me Ousrdrsn 2. POST Olrla with knowledge of typing tSUia-fSSS" tor EKatoeermc Firm. Eceiej dJtrict: state ice, sslsry. ana expert- riAddrcsi SI 9S. "Me Guardian'' 2.

Tacerr-WAR development raTSSAHM083 FABBICa PBIrTTTSO OOMPANT. LTD LOWER BZYS MILL. MsOCLEerPlELD. are anxtoua to strextethen their Designing Stridlo br the addition of Two or Three fbxt-ciass Creative Artists: good salaries snd con-cbtiocis offeree, to persons with a thorough knOTaetlce of the hlan-clsss stlk prmttnc tnrslness for dress goods, scarves. Itandker-ehjen.

and who have anility as floral artiste and ealrrarlsta. Apply, try letter only, atataig age and fun experience (samples of work not required rmtfl apollcanta are ae-eeted for interview, when traTetlinc expenses win be refrmded). -roa, OEOMINENT Msnntsetnrer tn Smith Cheshire requires the services oT-t aaa UOTJIWtCXU-UU I "-y SCK offered is permanent with cspertxmlty for aavarieement: sxaae experlenee tn export or apparel Selds deainble but not essential: state ci "STJ-Z- t-uary required. Addres 44. Myc Guardlsn" 2.

T-kSonsiOeeS- Ptmt Hand Wanted: male or Xj fema: St. Armea district: must tijfully exoerJenCKl. Addrtas, statrnc fun psrOctUsrs Sm sZSaz.t 87. -Mve Ottardtan 2-suJS (Trrk (Stxtlorl leuulieil. cood cottt-speesdesxt- iSmtSSSuSSZ.

auuuuu neao umce; must Bin cnow-sf aood salary-, must he Serelee: pejranency tf aafisfsctorr (stxper-annostlna fund): write fojty with e'eWssiof satexy iwqxdred. Address If 28. Mc Qnxrdlan 2- Saanoa Wages Cters: rvqrrlred tor tnrTneevtnc STrm, North Mancbeater area: xtmat be capable man, tbcmvigxtry tn wages and meome-tax syatema, and sttiislu*turd to ttstnc own initiative wlxen urrTsisiy please fcsa. xtatlnx age. wares expected, experience.

133. FunUshadHbusM Wanted C1T AITOETS. House- Wanted to Rent: rushed or urjinrnlabed: 4 bedxtyoma ftrrniahed Address TS. "Mo GuardUui 2. WANTED, email Flat, or Part House.

JriryAturust. large bedroom. North Wales: near sea, 168 Mc Ouardian 2. WANTED. 4-bedroom Fttm.

House (South side Mei. 155. "Me Dwelling Houses A COPY FREE ON APPLICATION. List ot Properties when available. State requirements.

J. H. NORRIS SON, PAL, Auctioneers, Estate Agents, Valuers, 9. Albert Mo 2. and at West DUsbury.

EXCtUNGS mod. 3 beds. 10 miles S. Mc. for Bungalow" or Cot tare.

Southport, St. Annes. 15 1057" Mc Ouardian," 2. REMOVALS. ROBINSON'S, Knolls House, afanrfej-tt- TUrmtwhanv Vondon.

Harrow: Our great organisation enables us to carry out smaii or large removals emoentiy a. rawcs. mat. Wan fed BUXTON: Cricket Ground District Preferred. tSsstlr run House: either Bent or Purchase.

Address particulars 64. "Mc Guardian" 2. TTHOSxTT. -Wanted to Bent, small House or Bungamw (ejec): fjotsxlrta MUiclus- ter: fsmily four. Reply Parker, 142.

Trcjawncy RoaoX FevereS, Pryxnooth. WANTED to Rent. House, Stockport, Beaton Mersey or district: urgent. Arjdrets 221. Mc Guard." 2.

or sh. aatSey 3SOS. WANTED TO RENT, -lhree-bedroom HOUSE: Orrell or Wlnstanley area, near Wlgari, AddHK. F162. "Me fiuardlan S.

TXTANTED to Rent (purchase eonsidsred), am-iii sjes. jsouse or xsurissuow. vm-inirc, 8-15 miles Mc: no rtMVlren: rets. Address 41. "Mc Ouardian 2.

Flat LLANDUDNO. Superior Furnished First-floor FLAT TO LET: adulta rabr (no animals): mldcle April to end of Juae. Write, Mrs. MORGAN. Trefljs.

Okxldaeth Avenue. West Shore. Llindudno. Wanted BUSINESS Director requires Furnished Frat. S.

Manchester, or Urge 8.C. Flat with service and tejrptxw: rrierfsxes 11 reqmreci. Pbooe CEN. 4232. LMJKK1SHED Kat, House, or Bungalow re-X quired: reliable and careful tenant: excellent bank references.

rough ton 2143. TTS-URNISHKD Flat required In St. Annas-en-X Sea: 6 or 12 xacntbs tenancy: a bad- lootMi South Drive prelemd: cireful tenant; excellent nferences: Mav or earner. Address 175. Mc Ouardian 2.

TTnf. Flat. 2 or 3 klt'ette. or single lady: Handforth. Wllmslow, AJderlty pref.

248 "Mc Ouardian 2. VOOKQ Bustneas Lady seeks fnmlebad or unfurnished Flat. Phone BLA 7617. YOUNO Couple, about to be married, seek sea -contained Unfurnished Flat: two rooms, kitchenette and bathroom: Htgher Brouclrtcn. Preacwleh and district.

Address 129, Mc Guardian 2. 5 n-UHngW paid for Information leading to Tenancy of SeU-47orstalced Modem Unfurnished Flstt: South Mancheater: bank references, 80, Mc Ousjoxan 2. SALES BY PRIVATE CONTRACT Dwelling hom*os MODERNISED SEMI, Wlthlnarton. 119. V.P.

SEMI: rm. ex rase: 600. 72. A COPY FREB ON APPLICATION. List ot properties when available.

State requlretnents. J. H. NORRIS ek SON. F.AJ., Auctioneers, Estate Agents, Valuers, 9.

Albert Square. Mo 2. and at West DIdsbury. ABUILDINO SOCIETY (Mc). est.

1853, Invites Inquiries for Advances on Mortgage. HAUvWAIl l.rjl. SSUllaUlMVJ CHJV1S.1 TX. 69. BRIDGE STREET.


BLA. 7294. ADVANCES for House Purchase at 4it pet cent: repayments from lis. 2d. par calendar month, equal to 2a.

7d. per week, for each 100 borrowed from the Dewtbury ud West Rldme Building Society. Agent: FRANK HODKINSON, 51, Fountain Street, MeJrcllertei 2 Telephone CEN. 4258. ALEX.

PARK. Alex. Rd. 6. Modem laarce-roomed SEMI in cood situation: square enc.

hall with a large kitchen with Eagle range, and all usual doniestlo 4 bedims, all on one floor, bathrm. and of modem type: brick carsce: being decorated: price 1,500 or near: Ohio! 8 10s. J. H. NORRIS At SON, 9, Albert Scxure, Manchester 2.

ALTRINCHAM: Best Residential Position. Exceptionally Well Built DouileAcnted CORNER HOUSE: 7 bed, 7t reception rooms: usual offices: good garden: 1.750: view by appointment: suitable convert Address 51. "Mc Guardian" 2. A MBLESIDS. Stone-built HOUSE: bed--ex rooms and 2 entertaining-rooms: usual offices: emple outbuildings: etx acres well-timbered land: possession: mortgage it required.

44. Mo Ouardian 2. ATTRACTIVE Detached BOUSE: 5 bedrooms. 2 entertaining: 'phone: carsce: 1.450 sq. yds.

ot garden stocked with fruit trees: low chief: possession on corn pie tlon. 'Phone Heaton Moor 1489. BIRKDALE. Detsehed HOUSE, contalntnc 3 kitchen (Triplex), and usual offices: 5 bedrooms and hoxroom. sun room oft lounge, facing well-laid garden: every modern convenience: well-appointed and splendid repair: vacant possession on completion.

Further particulars Box 4279, W. H. Smith and Son. Manchester 3 BROOKLANDS. Detached residence, containing hall with.

Cavxurroom and fireplace, 3 recepUon-roomi. 5 beurootos on one floor: brick parage: pleassxtt eardens: low chief: price 1,800: Wtnted. smaller modem House. Address 37. Mc Ouardian 2.

BRxjUUatClsjN PARK: Upper Park Boad. Detached REanjENCrE- 5 bedrooms, 2 ent. -Tootle), baejhroom: larce gardene: chief rent 11 price 1.800 or near offer: posees-sion. T. OOSTLEY At SON, estate agerrle, 37.

Brown Street. Matichester 2. Dea. 3301. BUNOALOW FOR SALE: uatley district: good oondltion throughout.

292. TKBADLE Double-fronted SEMI: overlook-V lng cricket grounds: 2 5 beds: carsce: 850. w. hT Robinson it 79. Motley Me 2.

CHEADLE HEATH. Mod. SEMI: 3 bed. 2 reception rooms, kitchen: wsabhouse: convenient situation: 900. Apply F.

w. ALLEN. 29. Ostler Road, Cheadle. CHEADLB HTJLME (highest part): square hall, 2 entertaining.

5 bed rooms, kitchen scullery, waahbouse: no cellars or attics: easily worked: well-stocked garden back and front: greenhouse: convenient to station and bus: vacant possession Msarch 25: freehold: chief rent 5 lOs. U.S.: price 2,250. 224. CHTETHAM: Woodlands St. Roomy DWELLING HOUSE in conven.

position: 2 kitchen, scullery, usual domeatle offices. 3 principal and 4 secondary bedrms. and box, bathroom and w.c. price 600 or near offer: chief 5 Ss. J.

H. NORRIS it SON. 9. Albert Square. Manchester 2.

CH0RLTON. Excellent Double-fronted SEMI: 2 6 beds; double carae. Ace. For full details Auction Advertisem*nt on rear page, or apply KENDAL, MILNE tic Estate Orncea. 35.

King street West. Mancheater 3. BLA. 6666. CHORLTON-CUM-HARDY (Conv.

Tram and Train). Modem SEMI: hall. 2 kit-, 4 beds, bathroom. J. W.

HETHZRIKG-TON 228. Seymour Grove. Mancheater 16. "tHORLTON-CUM-HARDY: Wllbraham Road. Facing Whalley Range airls' High school.

Attractive Modem Detached HOUSE: 2 recep- Hon-rooms, oeorcoms, weu-ntteo kitcnen: garage: washbouse: price 1.850. Apply W. H. SUTTON Ac SONS, Bank Wllmslow. CLAREMONT ESTATE: .108, CLAREMONT 2 4 bedrooms, bath: nice csrdens: chlec rent 5 oiice 1.100: nossn.

T. COSTUCY ot SON. eatato agents, o-v, Brown Mc 2. DXA- 3301. COLWYN BAY: near Woods Deligbttul Detached RESIDENCE, standing on li-acre land: 3 larce reception-rooms, 4 hedrocrc 3 with h.

et c): hoxroom: modem bathroom: very attractive domestic oKloei: garden: carace: telephone: choice fittings and nicely decorated throughout: vacant possession on completion: freehold: 3.750. THOS. BYRON Somerset House. Colwyn Bay. DEOANWY.

LLANDUDNO. DETACHED FREEHOLD HOUSE on ELEVATED SITS, overlookinc Conway Bay and Estuary: WM. DZW Ac SON A R. ATlTtrrm JONES sre favoured with Instructions to SELL BY PRIVATE TREATY this attractive small eroperty, conveniently siruatea for rail and us services: the accommodation comprises large lounge-dlnlng-room, 3 bedrooms. Bathroom, usual domestic offices, and all modern conveniences: tnere is a fuu-stxed garage twvuicvt.

price or very near offer, rm lurtner particulars and orders to view anassns. WM. DEW At SON and R. ARTHUR JONES, the Estate OtSce TESmABLE Detached TJfWELlsa-HOCSE: North Mincbeiter: ground inproi. 1,275 JO- vde freehold and tree from chief.

Adiresi 283. "Mc Gusrdlan" 2. DETACHED HOUSE (vacant): carsce. stables. and I8I2 acres Uai: aij miles OlsburnT 4 miles Nelaon: pclee 2.000.

Aneuv TOPHAM. faaAjs.Ac ijtmsr; Harrogate ('Phone 6091). TTAST DIDSBURY. Mod. tmAOBm- -s-- brick garage: 2 3 bathroom: wiawiwi.

at. w. OJSLBSltlFKyTrTHg 228. Seymour Orove, Manchester 16T ITiCCLES. -Vaeant Poaaeaalon.

in open snr-XJ roundlngs, BEMI-DETACHED: lxalltl932-2 enter tsiulric-rooms. kitchen, aanuau sennery. pantry, wiabhouse. ctnis. 20ft.

loance. cloakroom with Ulephono (upstairs cxtexttlon)! oak panelled square baa sruMalreaser4bed-roocos. boxroom, separate wjc. and bath: brick carace. elec.

bested and lighted, surface raid shelter sleep 46 people. View by axapcdntmenl week-end 1 Stbccles 3187 eiSrapi PUXrOft: Chaasen Rd. Modern SDH: -a- conven. for station and bus servlcea- one with trench window, 3 CCn Vans GAM ra ai WOBBIB ek BON, g. Albert (5q Msnchexter 2.

Mod isSlVlniilce sltrtation: 2 4 beds. bath. sep. carace: carden: CltOO: chief 10; vacant Dceaexeioa. KZNDAL.

JalLeTZ 35. Kmc RtTWtWMt If. --Iw -m T- UOf .1 i. aajuCaa oqqo. mod.

det-: axreV OtaliSZ naa. kitchen, sctiiiery, 3 tods, batfcim7rad or, oompledoa- Apyly LIIVOARD ek 5. John Street, Manchester. OHT, Stone COUWrRlf RiaiJJEHCg: tecladed tweJtloo: sabstantUl nine bedrtsoms. trtree ruseaxn.

NORMAN B. OAExSTestat agent. Whaler Bridge. "Phone 225 XfOR SALE- OOmiTRT HOtTSE; 3 miles -X-. from AltrJncham: rail and bos service town's water, electricity: 2 esiertalnlnrl And-Sc rluxrd'uan beamtlfol ccesmtien.

AaNy EDWTK BfLAry-ZJZ; LTO KTlpper Brook stSSl jtOK SALE (Bala). Attractivs, Weu-ausated Modern Sernl-detached RMiuSSem-TiS food, etntraace han, 2 and usnl cAces: first- Boor. 5-bedisxitoB- (3 adtb h. c-. tiled bathroom, and Sep w.c: good garden: detachea brick carsge with wash.

Sti pratapralon. 'Phone RlNgway 4101, or addrea 191. -Me- GtarrTtsn'' 2. EvOs RALE. Attractive Mod.

IJetacfaed HlI-x DXSCX $ad OroTttads: predessloxt: sit. Ietwccu Stretford and Urmatcn-weB-popnlslro smTofiiidm-a. mod. arid tm-to-data dees, and srtlrrsss cost 45o: acc 5 est beds. hatha: axsad Trltei-an su-ranasxaents: large gxurags: cars: a-a-ytrn al.UO aq.

(tt 00. estate Kenli, i uacTTam -j-xwxae x-n-L Xj-tXBOLD BOJAX FOB SALE. Higher 3roaghton district: let off tn 3 Hats: croas tztcome C120. Address 174. 'Mc OBaro-bra" 2.

lAaME-OVXRsrtDS. tJhau-ailng Semt-- Det. Pttrate BMSOXttCK: eeruxalr 2 5.1-gds: -y. April: 2.350. ILLWOWORTH.

11. Iadhall Xamne. Ba-roaste. SUBURB: taodera, 4 riedrocms. 2 Xi reception.

usual caxlces: garage: garden: vacant pcexaesaion: ground rent no cdteix Addrm 4. -iffij onatStnS a. Dwelling, Houses HALB. Well-built isenu-detached BX3I. DBICK.

Jn cood situation, corrrUtnc hall, lounge, dlnlnc-room, kUchen. scullery, 3 principal and 2 secondary bedroans. bathroom, eesatate w.c!-. garage: carden: chief 9 9s price 1.800: the honse ts In a flmt-clxss state of repair and decoration. Apply C.

STUART MURRAY. estate acesu. 54. The Downs, Altrincham. Alt.

2368. XXBATON MERSEY: cavendish Bd. -We'i. XX txillt SEMI in good position: 2 kitchen, scullery, larder. 4 bedrms.

all on one floor, bathrm. and w.c. near offer: chief 5. J. H.

NORRIS ck SON. 9. Albert 2. "Fr EATON MERSEY: Stand Inc on high around XX with besutltulry laid trdrriA ttrac-tlve and Architecturally Designed DETACHED RESIDENCE, with the foluwlnc accommodation: Entrance hall, cloakroom, 2 deJghriul entertainlrat-rooms. kitchen with Triplex, scullery.

4 principal bedrooms (3 with fitted bplroomg aU with fitted wash-basins, 2 weu-appotnted bathrooms: hrick-bullt double carsgv. fnrmue: modem ixtariteipleces: in ant-clsas ccnditlon throuchotLt: undoubtedly one of tbe best houses In the district: plans passed and approved for conversion into Data producing: approximate cross income 400 price 5.000. Addreaa 76. "Mc 2. HCME-OWNERSHIP la a apleudld Investment and can be aajulred on itwi eccncmicsi terms throush the HALIFAX BUILDING SOCIETY.

Particulars Xrom Local Branch; 130. Deanagate. Manchester 3. YTyjlS DIST. Mod.

Det. HOUSE; 3 beds. XX 2 recepUon-rooms: large carden: carage 2 greenhouses: 2.500. 227. "McOusrd AKKbAND.

Beautifully situated OOTTagk Xi ON SALS: esriy possession: rssslsnd' price fiBOOro 58. "Mc Guard VJuLX. Detached HOUSE: nice situs. Jlvl tlon: 3 ent. kitchen, scullery, 5 beci-rooms (fitted wash bowls): carace.

L. 4.. MARPLE DIST. Well-ouilt modem SEMi-. 3 beds, sep.

large garden; very oprn. nr. train fe bus: let to cood tenants: 16- -iund rent 4: 665. 201. "Mc Guard TajTODEBN SeJf-mtalned FLAT, in JXL condition: alone with large Shop, gsran, washhouse, in centre of Leigh: vacant possession: bargain: 850 lot.

Apply, to. Church Street, Leigh. Tel. 575. NOTICE of CHANGE of ADDRESS.

4s from To-day ROSEHAY estates ltd will be at THB HOLIJJ3B. 1, Alexandra Rosd South, Manchester 16. Tel. MOS 2135e and nrsently require Mod. Semis, detached Bunsa- towa: an districts, for cash.

OLD TRAFFORD. Good HOUSE. In con. 2 4 bsthroom. esc lov price.

RalMon cS Knowlea. 12. York -z Modern SSMI near shoos and atatton: decorated in and out: 2 en- 3 batb, kitchen: vacant possession: 9 10. Address 249. Mc Guardian 2.

PRESTATYN. Attractive Corner Freeho.d SEMI: modern: all-electric: Hell situation: 2 inception. 4 bed roooss: ball, cloakroom, 2 lavatories, and 'phone: brick and t. garage: vacant possession on completion: eii.nnu. Aoorcssij o.

cr PRSSrwila1i: s-ioae iu SteUor niiUchetJ PAMILY HOUSfc: Dlcuaat iHuntton: 2 JcltcHen (bunsjW room. 1 atUt: largo garage, nice gardens: rates 24: chief 3 rleenearett n.isv. vacant possesion. Tel. PRE.

1656. owbi. garden: possession: 560: mart, it desired. OARNER as BON. Prudential Stockport.


ASHTON. A very attraciho ana wen-pianneu noose in uai good acccmmodstlon: brlck-bullt OARAGE lor 2 or 3 cars', near bus stop: electricity: total area 6.09O sq. yards: FREEHOLD. POSSESSION. PErTWORTHAM, PRESTON.

Excellent rll-bullt residence, detached. CRANBROOK, LEY-LAND BOAD. PxtWWORTBAM, with approti-metety ONE ACRE of crounds: owner leaving district: 3 entertaining rooms. Idtcbeni, 5 bedrooms and boxroom bathroom, otit-bulldlnts: OAEAOE lor 2 cars: heated lious: atorea. tennis lawn and electncltT: JlREiaiOIaD; possession: bus route.

Offers required for above premises. Further particulars and to view apply E. J. REID SONS. 47.

Flshergate. PRESTON. iTri. 3249). ST.

ANNES-OK-SEA. Modem BUNOALOW: redecorated: immediate possession. Write 103. Heyhouses Lane, St Annex. SALE.

-Older Type SEMI In exceptlonal'v good decorative condition throughout il scullery, 3 beds, 2 box rooms, carage with el. and drained wash: tacsnt possession: price 695: chief 5 6s. 8d N. ROUTLEDOB, F.A.LJ-.A.. Charter Buildings.

Ash ton Lane, Ssle. SHEFFIELD (Within 15 minutes of Town Hall). FOR SALE, by Private Treaty (Vacant Possession clven). A I COMMODIOUS AND SUBSTANTIALLY BUILT DETACHED RESIDENCE, with carden and garages, suitable for conversion la to PLATS, PRIVATE HOTEL, or SU1TKS of OFFICES. Containing: On the ground floor, entrance hall, dining-room 22tt.

lounge 20(t. 161 1., breakfast-room 15ft. 91n. 14(t cloakroom with lavatory, excellent kitchen 16ft. 15ft.

bin. with modem cooking rane and terrezxo floor, good staircase and lending 4 first-floor bedrooms, 18ft. 15tt- 91n. 16tt. and 16tt bathroom, wc.

4 second-floor bedrooms, with hot and cold water in most bedrooms. OARAGE for 4 CARS. LEASEHOLD 800 year The residence Is near to tbe bus route and Il In a good state ot repair. For further particulars and to inspect apply to FRANK laYTE; F.A.I., auctioneer, fat. James's Row.

(Tel. 25604.) INTEREST AT 41z PER CENT. CKIFTON BUILDINO SOCIETY can h-'p K7 home buyers who req. a mortgage. Apply J.

Lea Axon 2, Booth Mc cen. 73rH i). SOUTHPORT. TOR SALE. Modern BUNOALOW with Furniture-, splendid condition: carace.

cardans well laid out: electrio llsht. Full particulars, address Box Mo Gusrdlan Southport. CJTRETFORD. No. 22, HIGHFIELD ROAD: ip vacant: good Family House: 2 5 bedrooms: good carden: chief 6.

JR. Bridcford At Sons, 10. Norfolk Mc 2 rTIHE BURNLEY BUILDINO SOCIETY. LANCASHIRE'S LEADING SOCIETY. Funds Available tor Advances on Approved Properties.

Write or call for details. HEAD OFFICE 12. Orlnuhsw Burnley. Manchester Office SO. XJne Street.

rpHB MIDDLETON Ac TONOE CO-OPERATIVE LAND As BUILDINO SOCIETY, 99, LONG STREET M1DOLETON Telephone MID. 2674. Funds avaUxbl for advancea on approvtd secuilty ot bouse properties TTRMSTON. 24. MAYFAIR AVENUE: Mod Serai: 2 3 beds, tiled kitchenette and bathroom, aep.

w.c: brick carace: immediate Wraslon. 92, "Mc auardlan" 2. EST DIDSBURY. Fine Comer Detached HOUSE, Barlow Moor Road: nearly opposite Park: lounge, dining-room. 3 sec.

beds, kitchen with Triplex crate, freehold, no W. H. Robinson 79, Moiley 'i. -VK7EST DinSBURY. Detached RESIDENCE, enjoying unobstructed view, containing hsil.

cloakroom, with washbasin and w.c: three Teceptlon-rooma. six bedrooms (three with running h. Si 1. two bathrooms, and adequate domestic accommodation: electric light and power: la-en carace and cycle shed: well-kept carden. vv'th room for tennis court: area 3,609 square yards: freehold snd free from chief rent: vacant possestlon.

Price 3.250. W. H. SUTTON St SONS. 60, SPRING GABDEN8.

MANCHESTER 2. TXTBALLEY RANGE (Best Part). Choirs Well-built SEMI: 2 enl, 4 bedTT box" room: good gardens: at present requisition' d-SIDNEY H. WILLIAMS. 98.

Deanagate, SjcSl taTHALLEY RANGE. -HOUSE, converted Inf. two flats (one vacant): gross estlmawi rent 83 chief rent 4: rates and wat-r 5L APPIv R. C. STONEX xrifry Hanoe a pair of Lam HOUSES: van Mlthl- a (...

hotel, or chief rent 18: price 1,400 WH. Robjnson St 79. Mosler St Mr DRIVk' rnokeSSnrf2! Trafford Park and centre dtt' lounge, ttlnlnc. Pantry. 3 bath outside wash and coal: Irnmediate 750: free from chief.

VirHALIaEY RANGE: Demesne Road. Larer- ratS.5E,U: Ilt: opp. nsrk: 2 roomy kitchen and acullery. and al1 700 for quick 8. NORRIS At SON.

Mancheater 2. WlIiBHAIMM ROAD. Chortton-eum-Harcj: rae Lane. A Very MSIBBNOI-. hall with fireplace, cloakroom.

2 6 beds: large and orivate 1 .500 '9. Mosler afc 2 WltMSLOW ALDBRLBY EDGE, arid OSTRICT. LUt of Houses for Sale. will be sent gjjfntoW SUTTON As SONS. Wanted AK dirc modem Semi, not more than elcht miles City: please say address.

mortgage can be Mc Ouardian 2. XVBQOOiaTOli Park District. Wanted to Buy TZP06 22'- must nave 4 CA" 77, Me Guardian 2. '01SCIi-' BSTATES, 76. Mosy have Purchase is for --'-rtct.

Owners. VTJl fyHIPLE urgently require a modem House; uLjtSI, J-" Jtnc- within 15 miles of senSsS.S-Vi!?11'' firx- reasonable 144. "Me Ouardian 2. or WITHIN tea. S'SSuard desires to Purchase or Rent.

2iera Bead or Deuched with esriy 307 Furniture if desired 281. "Mc Guard." -tlS? JI2? 5yrk4 Wanted, at a iinVX "if Reared, and any chief Trr-rooVw Ouerdtan 2. Jai nS525Dor -BB. Wanted, modem SS. 4 bedrooras: garaxe: P75 rtcTitttSd: Address Ouardian 2-M5t1' Detached: 3 or oeds: In Bowdon f-S-Hale or Oatler: Mod.

Semi: 3 bed. SSSiS o-rd Jn part exchange. If 296. Mc Guardian" 2. DRESIWICH.

Wanted, mooern Detached ApiTONN-JattRSET OR BROOK -nr-bedroom Detached Bcjue. with possession during the next three riioeuna. FttU teuiara price to -MOTTLEDOE. P-A Bullcang. Ash ton Lane.

Ssle. QltVERAL Large Ifetaehea Booses Wanted, jcr any coradtUon: most be cheep Blair. 6. Montoo uoss Stde. Mc MOS 1514 sj-urnnTZD to Pttrehit Modem Semi or attached: 4 bedrooms: esrage: within 7 ff Manchester 277.

Guard TATSmtCD. mod. Semi or Bungalow: Sale district: eonv. for train ojTbus: about gBSO: pay cash: no a genu, 223 1 ANTED, rnodern House with 3 beds. sep.

jT r.d garage or room: DIdsbury Pries 800-950. Address TMc Ouardian or -ph. Art. 2276. Wil5rSL Sf SiW.

aruie: ecovtrileEt to or 35 bua route. Guardian 2. XVT0- Houses. Old Mansloiu. HaCa.

Bates, sure -eondltlra: win Si m5u, laontST Street, -a Manchester. Phona MOS. 1514. wwrAIiTED to 1-rirchase, a-naul "Boui? or TT Bunfalow: mod. services: Lan-s tout district.

Adcb-ess 95, Mc GaarcUan2-aNJED. modem Send or atttall Detached, with ra-oaevTlon March quarter: must be in nice residential dudrictr pStlcmars and price, A202. "McQStM" i 85'SSSBr Cotton' LVSilabli. ...1 permanent and progressive state ex-Pencetge. ancTlf exempt.

AcMress U. 65. rns-piST. BrmrtfriTin and Invoice, of coed -S- education. nmirMi en.

i-j h' and progressive post Manchester Company: protlctency andv speed essential: ase pref. 20-so: commendns sararv sa 10,. nTnan mmi full 1 dataila. PISO. Mr a WaiS5, SJSESS Artfjietinns.

to state terme and crruilnVvttomu r- Hecent Street. Walsden. Todnsorden. on or before February 26. Situattons Wanted SHORT StArtM Aw.

iu a tac yB.iTKf!tcsxs. seeks ooarry. eetatt. JU office, anywhere: alone or otherwise: atntalner. ecrner axetnot: tJmjroushly trained: 178.

"at -Guard." u-urustsH xievenue onwii, rogiesalve ideas. -J- over 25 years specialised in taxation and valuiuona ot ail types or properties, rnowhuan oi rating, aeeks annolntiTient with Estate Agent. ADY cteaixea astxatkin aa Rec -S-i Address 2S. Ma nuanUan 9. SMART Man (age 28 yrs.) requires Change of Position (exempt experience of ealfsmsjithlp and fully conversant with most types ot clerical work.

Address 44. Mo Ouardian 2. YOUNO Lady (matrtcj des. Situation, Even- Yinxa 6 30 to 30 and Saturdays. 271.

OUNG Lady. BJ9c, chemistry, botany, requires Position: some technical traln-mc tnctajffiial bacterlo'aocr: keenly lrrteneted lebwstory work: excellent references. Address 40. mo Crusrdisn 2. Travellers, Agent, at.

Wanted ARGE INSURANCB BOOK, (one change 40 -S-4 years): 500 cash only: permanent progressive living. 155, Mc Guardian 2. AKOE Machine Tool Oicatllsstton open receive apoacatlrms tor post-war eppotnt-mencs aa Technical Reprcsentatlvca in export markets: good knowledge machine tools and foreign lancosaes essential. Address 43, "Mc Ouardian" 2. stating ace.

experieuoe, and remuneratlcai required. 1JART-T1A1K Ciavaiser lor Tmde Auoola--S- uon: eenerous terms. Address 116. "Mc Guardian" 2. REPRESENTATIVE havinc sNod connection among oofilery Cotrmonles and Railway Wagon Owners, required by Manuficturtrs in the Manchester area.

Address 53. Mc Guardian 2, "DEfireESltNTATTVX Wsxtted. wttis eonnec-XV tlon smongst WhcAeealo Irorsuajtscers. Hardware, Departmental stores, Msnchester snd South-east Lsncaehlre, for ssle ot blesch. sjnmonis.

liquid glue, polishes, and other household goods. Address, statins full particular, age, ssl. 161, "Mc Guard." REPRESENTATIVES required calllne upon Nurserymen, Seedsmen, Horticultural and Acmultural Suppliers: state districts worked and experience. Address Box 436, Williams's Advertisem*nt Ofllres. Brarifnns.

TO EPRESENTATTVES at present calling upon or retau trace (grocers, eec.i are offered Sole Selling Rights for district covered 01 a quick setting line on very remun-erstlve basts oi commission. Glartpvsl products, Forth, aismorsranshlre. rriRAVELLER Wanted, for Lancashire, bv old- established Firm ot Tanners, calling: on manufacturers, only persons with existing connection consiaerea. Apply Miles itnoaes, -cuversiae tA-ainer woixs, sniniey, xorasnire. TRAVELLERS (Lady) required tor Motor Accessory Manufacturers In fofiowine dis tricts Newcastle, York.

Hull, Carlisle, Liver pool, unester aaaocnester: xuu-tune: salary and commission: calling cu garages, haulage contractors. exoaTtenew not nneeaaarv era. Mded good interviewer: must be over 41 or otherwise exempt from National Service. Address, stating age and experience, 25. "Mc Guardian 2.

Two experienced Repreeentativea Wanted for Ann dealing; In Enflneors" specialities; must be exempt: erigaaement for duration. Acktress 127. "Mc Ouardian 2. Situations and Agencies Wanted ENGINEER (40), technical and commercial quejflcaticne, requires Change: Repreeen-tottve or similar restwnslble poeltlon. 23.

TTiXPEHiENCED Agent requires Clothing or Xi Check Round. 152, Mc Ouardian 2. ADY Representative (42), lone experience, xc car owner, requires Change: would consider responsible positron Indoors: any district acceptable thoajch preference Irisncasblre. Cheshire, and North Wales: good remuneration essential: highest references available. Address 41.

"Mo Ouardian" 2. -OEPRESENTATIVB and Speciality Salesmsn, Xiiof good address and stronc personality, desires Poeltlon with poit-war prospects: wen known to shipowners, shipbuilders, ship repairers, architects, surveyors, pubuo bodies. Government departments, thmuchout England and Scotland. 267. "Mc Od." rTTHE MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS' ASSO-X CIATION, INC.

(M.O.). 6-7. Queen Street, London, B.C. Si. free lists of Agents (wholesaleretallshlpplnc, etc.) to Manufseturers seeking representation in all Important centres.

Membership available to established stents partlculara supplied. Wcuu-aaLAaiiiaaEB Agent, witn Manchester office, recularly calling upon msnufacturers and engineer, Lancashire. Yorkshire, snd Cheshire, will be pleased to hear from flrst-class man utac tore ra requiring Representation. 5, "Mc Ouardian" 2, Partnership ejtENT (54), enciietlc, well-known com-Vkf merclally. hlgheat credentials, seeks active position with Directorship in progressive Company: capital available up to 3.000: no agents.

Address 285, Jgo Guardian 2. WASTED. Half or Whole Interest In Sheet-' -Metal Firm: send full particulars. Address 142. Mc Ouardian SST BUBlness Opportunities Debts Collected (est.

30 any dls. 1151. AREA TBBAY. near Lake District Vacant RESIDENCE, 8 rooms, with spacious shop and Cafe: main services: near bus, train (business closed through illness): freehold: 700: offers considered Write SLEIQHTHOLME, South Shields. BUSINESS Opportunity to acquire Interest tn established Estate Company with excellent post-wsr prospects: 5,000 Investment secures Direotorshlp.

A 147. "Mb Ouardian" 2. POST-WAR OPPORTUNITY. For 2.O00. plus half-share.

Advertiser, responsible for phenomenal marketing success, will provide unrivalled knowledge and experience and co-operate fully with Engineer or Company in establishing proved business (domestic srtlcle5): principals only. Address 39. Mc Guardian 1. "nTILL anyone with Money to Invest consider -urcnexe. in wnoie or part, 01 prosperous Private School Business showroc lxsndsome return experienced graduate available as head master.

Aoqress jo, mc mvarqian a. Apartments Wanted ALTJERLEV District Furnished Rooms required for wile and two children while on active service. 117. Mc Guardian 2. COMFORTABLE Apartments and Full Bosrd required by retired, middle-aged Gentleman: large bed-slttlng-room or 2 separate rooms: With ins ton or DIdsbury: please write fully, stating terms.

Address 10S, "Mc Gusrdlan 2. XMr ANTED, occasionally, by Lady, nice Accom. mooation. nesr cneacie Koysi. ah.

Apartments to Let TJOWDON. Beautifully Firm, and Comi. xt Apartments: ex. cooking: h. and c.

water and ess fires bedrooms: 'phone. Mrs. rssrosiey. Aitrrncnsm 1149. REFINED Single Lady has comfortable Home to Share with single Business Lady: ace about 40 to 45: keep self: small rent for one who would be companion: Sooth Manchester.

Address 37. MVc Guardian 2. Various Trades i Work Available TNTERLININGS, Yams tor Sydb, Arc. svall-X able. Advertiser wishes to Co-operate with Weaver.

55. "Mc Guardian 2. Various Trade i work Wanted CAPSTAN WORK. Several machines! up to lain, and some up to available tor xmmeuisce prouuctiou cn parts in or steel; also Lathe Work and General MachJnlnjr: able to five early and good deliveries. Address to.

aic uuaroian it. CASTINGS: FERROUS Ac HON-FZRROTJS. It you require 10.000 CASTINGS wa can supply you but should you need only ONE or TWO urgently, the same prompt service will be at your disposal. Castings laachlaed It Required. A.I.D.

end Admiralty Approved. GRAVEL GATE FOUNDRY COMPANY, Norah street, Holllnwood, Manchester. Tel. FAIlsworth 1533.. PKJTTCN WINDING.

All Classes of Winding from han 01 cop to cheese cr cone. Waterloo Winding Upper Brook Street. Stockport DECORATING Firm open to receive Orders for all classes of isecontlnsx. lane or smaii: sallied men oniv employed, aaoe. zoco OVERNMENT Work required for machines available for Wood Turning.

Bering. Planing, and Sawing; lone run. Address 19. "Mc Guardian 2. GOVERNMENT Work Wanted for 8I2IU.

WJT HoIlOW SDlnrfle mr nNMn( BnaaM-l. islng on tank plus and similar work: lone XTEAT TREATMENT oi all kinda and Shot-xa. blasting- Capacity available. AID. approved.

TBS RUSTLESS IRON Kejehley. Ketghier 3737 TJrerbert Stoxer. Osboma Ue 10. XX for Int. or Ext Decor.

Inq. tnrtd. Col. 1380. maa lino.

iNDUrrRiAlj and WArrroeiES. soao time. washing spray or brush. Orove Palritlac and imnws 1 winnaaru. ia-ja.

oajcKTuie ecreet. setiora ola. ouao. awi. ixdo ssat.

xvzet. VST ANTED. Light Repetition Smithy- Work. Wilson and Stcckall. Rochdale Boad, Bury.

TO 8E LET FurnMwd Housss XVOWrsOeT- Serrs-det. sWCBE. frrmlshed: 2 ensau -4 beds (3 -wialx b. and c-1. batb.

sep. elec. JiTstpersion heater: 3 log. 6d. per week.

D. MCSffitSON ek SON, estate agents, Altriacham and Sale. BRAltHaLL, Small Well-dttrntabecl Detsehed HOUSE TO 1.BT: louraxe (Uummli). cbstng-room. kltcnext.

scullery, pantry, 3 beuruone. bath and w.c. carace: nice garden back and front: srsenhouse: telephone: ckate to shops, post office, buses, and station: turn hoose Is very compact and easily worked: 5 guineas per week. IjcStrnc linen and cxttjery. Address 29a.

taVcOnardian "2. LAKE DISTRICT. ilixuabecl HBKUimtl 3 bedrooms: Indoor water. Apply WALKER lfeaxeake. Low sswater, Ccasxermooth.

rrto LBT. Heatoo Moor District. Farnistied Front SITTTNO-ROOM and BSDBOOM: use o( acullery. lxiaaehold linen, and kitehen -mi uai fn termar lffi.iiL.a nefapt- only: no attfflatixioe whatewr. Address 181.

Mc OtEartUatrr 2. Trio he LET. ltUTilJuvd. sTefl-appolnted. jV Beml-detacnefi HOUSE.

IXMSDALX SPIBJt HOLLta. GLOSOOP: two ent--ioocnx. 3 Dedrccms. Wtrhen. sccflery, bsthroom with vjc apstalrs.

and wc Ckrvrroxaira: 'phone: p.n arsier: gas and eiectnetty laid eat; attractive view: targe and wall-kept garden with firw roses: easy access to tndna and bases: rent 3 guineas par weak: Tfcrw by 26- Stceiptrrt Road, terr-nr'" Msnehrtter 19. Wanted TJBOTOHTON Park 1-tsBlot. House Waocad to Rene, ttirraafiea or umnxmaneo: la 79. "Me Ouardian 9. riBTIxaux letjinns itatlsTn nrmsbad vxf House St.

Amses-oa-rsea. tsonur a-ue pre- rSSsi- Kay or earlier. 174. "Mc Ouardian- Z. V1T ANTED, by refined eeernle (no children).

Dettvched Furnished House (sooth side laancnester): eTtasfB e'! UpfjajF TfrlOU Mc Owdian- aV SATURDAY HOME SERVICE JV4fces. (2113 5 Metres): 767kea. (391.1 i.l8mcs Ueireti: 66Stcs. (449.1 Metres): (48.54 Metres). 0 a.m.

Time, Big News. 7 15 "The Dur.y Doien." Exercises for Men: Lterclses for Women (Recordloc). 7 30 tlrsmopbone Music by John Dowtand and Thomas WeeStes. 7 55 Lift Up Your Hearts 1 0 Time: News. 8 IS Make-do and Mend." by a TaHor.

8 20 aramoprxme. Show Souvenirs." 9 0 Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Recsment Band. 9 30: The Grsnda Own. Clipbim Junction. 9 so-.

London Studio Players (Reeordlnx). 1013 Time: Dally Service. 10 30 Harry Fryer's Orchestra. 110: Time, Bit Ben. Songs snd Muse lor Two Flanoe.

11 15! "Jeoord Roundsbout." 11 0 1 B3.C. Theatre Orchestra. S3 30 P.m. Works Wonders. 1 0 Time: News.

1 16i tt Land Fundamenui of Breeding." Afan HKimpjon and T. Barton Mann. 1 30 Gramophone. "Musical Partners." 2 0: Hsrton CoOtiery Band. 2 30 Phtt-harmonic Society Concert.

Lonckn Phuhar-mon'c Orchestra. Sir Adrian Boult (Csxoxtactor). 4 30 Py. The Rarspaita of NemsnV' by Robert Kemp. 0 Time.

News In Welah. 5 5 Recorded Programme in Welsh. 5 SO: Children's Hour. Tlrre: News. 6 30 Ajd-IF'St lanetx's Orcheetra.

7 0- B3.C. Srctxtsh iirchrstm. 45 Tbe Week in Westminster. Hector McNeil. M.P.

0 I VaudevISe. of IWi (Recording). 9 0: Bar Ben Minute: News. 8 20: American. Commentary.

eymorjd. Oram Swine. 9 35 Saturday-Night Theatre. "'the Peetical Gentleman," by Eden PhUlpotts. 10 50 LUhten Our Darkness." 11 5 SUNDAY HOME SEKVICx.

1 (2033 Metres): 76Tktx. (391.1 Metres): 66Skes (449.1 Metres): ClBmcs. (48.54 Metres). 7 a.m.: Time. Big Ben: New.

7 15 Leeds Grand Theatre Orchestra (Record toe). 7 50 OreeElttgs from India. 10 Birrotj Shlpyard Band (Recording). 40 Etooaiae Hswkrldse (Organ). 9 0 News.

30 Mornlnc Service, from the Chapel of Westminster CoUege, Cambridge. 10 15 York Bower, (piano) in His Own Set OS Twenty-tour Pretodea. 10 30: Harold Colltna'e Orchestra. 11 0 Time. Bir Ben; Music-lover's Oasendar.

An Appreciation of Ektar'a Moalc, by Frank, Hovei. 11 20 Service In Gaelic 11 SO The Marltsa players. 12 3D Brahms a Songs. Contralto and Tenor. 1 0 Time; News.

115: Russian Commentary, by Alexander Wertb. 1 30 Gramophone. Sibelius. The Phlsasuxnonic Sym-uhony Orchestra ot New Tort 1 35 Church Music ot To-day. 9 -Ttte Choir of Christ Church Cathedral.

Oxford. 1 15: la Your Garden, by c. H. and Sir Robert, Grerg. 2 30 Musde ot Our Time 5.

a. B.C. SymtJbony Orchestra. 3 35 Play. The Hostage." by Paul Cfoudel.

4 .45 Christian News and Commentary. Her. Dr. Nathaniel Htcxlem. 5 Ot Neva, tn Wejah, 5 5: Recorded Talc In Welsh.

30: children's Hour. 6 0 Time; News. '8 SO Schomann. Violin and Piano. 7 Talk.

What la Sex Education By a Woman Doctor. 7 10 Talk. "Msdtinc tbe Beat of It." by Bartl-mnii." 7 19 SAC, Theatre Orchestra, and Chorus. 7 45 Usxt. Q.

TbaJben-SaU torgan). 0: Sveninc service, xrom Kortit Church, Edixiburch. 40 Appeal. Totally Dieabted x-erloe Men. squadron Leader John Etreebey.

5 Women's Poetry, Spoken by Vivien letcb (Recording). 0 Blc Ben Minute; News, with Postscript, a 30 Mozart. -The B3.C Scoc-nsfa Onhestra 10 0 How to be an Actor" 1. Produced by Stephen Potter. 10 45: Spliocue.

10 53: "Late Kent SpeetaL" Story tor Bedtime: "The Ooroko try Erie Moore fUtchls. 11 .10:.

The Guardian from London, Greater London, England (2024)


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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.