Reading, Reading, Reading in Bed - High Heels in the Wilderness (2024)

  • books
  • August 3, 2024
  • good books, summer reading

I am apologizing in advance for what I assume will be a brief post today my friends. I’m hoping I make it all the way through the writing without nodding off.

Ah, nodding off. Lovely words. Lovely and, oddly enough, unattainable for the past few days. I’m not usually stricken with sleeplessness. I am the one in our house who can sleep anywhere, anytime. In the car, on a plane, in bed, on the sofa, even a few times in the bathtub. And one memorable time in the bush when I was brook trout fishing with Hubby. Standing upright in the late afternoon sunshine, waiting for Hubby as he fished “just one more corner in the stream,” I leaned back against some small saplings. And those saplings moving gently against my weight basically rocked me asleep. Oh, I’ll never live that one down.

Usually, most nights, I fall asleep after a half hour of reading in bed. And I stay asleep. Or I wake up at some point to visit the bathroom, take a few pre-dawn photos of the river on a very early summer morning. Then it’s straight back to bed and to sleep. Usually. But not this week.

Reading, Reading, Reading in Bed - High Heels in the Wilderness (1)

Of course it happens to us all from time to time. But there doesn’t seem to be any reason for this particular bout of sleeplessness. I don’t have an ailing mother or an ailing brother or husband to worry about. All situations which have kept me awake in the past. Our bills get paid each month. I’m healthy and fit. I have no work stress anymore. No parent-teacher, or student-teacher interactions to play and replay in my head. Nothing that I can put my finger on. Just a hamster wheel of vague existential anxiety that seems to crop up at 2:00 A.M. And which no amount of reading in bed seems able to conquer.

The only good thing about all this is I’m getting a ton of reading done.

Reading, Reading, Reading in Bed - High Heels in the Wilderness (2)

So here’s what I’ve been reading. And listening to when I’m not reading.

Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin. I didn’t think I’d be able to persist with a book about a group of young people who design computer games for a living. But I loved this book. It’s about love and friendship, about growing up and facing adulthood, about fitting in and not fitting in, and facing loss. Even the parts of the book which focus on designing the video games were fascinating. In particular, I loved the description of the creative process involved.

And for something completely different, a bit odd, and oddly charming and surprising I read The English Understand Wool by Helen DeWitt. I ordered this novella after I read an article on summer reading in The Guardian. David Nicholls recommended the book, and since I had just finished two of his books, in particular You Are Here with which I feel totally in love, I took his advice. If you like quirky, you’ll love DeWitt’s book. The ending made me chortle with delight.

I’m on my second book in Simon Mason’s series about two Oxford detectives, both named Wilkins. D.I. Ray Wilkins is educated, urbane, handsome, and a rule-follower. His exasperating, gauche, foul-mouthed partner, D.I. Ryan Wilkins, is neither educated, nor urbane, but brilliant none the less. I can’t remember which well-known mystery writer recommended the series, but I’m glad I followed his advice. I finished A Killing in November, and promptly ordered the second book, The Broken Afternoon. Mason is a lovely wordsmith, and while his writing is not as brilliantly funny and erudite as Reginald Hill’s, his unlikely duo puts one in mind of Hill’s Dalziel-Pascoe partnership. In fact, Ryan Wilkins at times could make even Andy Dalziel look politically correct.

The other mystery series I’ve been alternating between reading and listening to is by Helen Fields. This is the D.I Eva Turner – D.I. Luc Callanach series set in Edinburgh. I’m really enjoying these books. I love a good police procedural. They are quite a bit more gory than the mysteries I usually read. But I really like the characters. And since I started listening instead of reading I’m loving them even more. There’s just something about a good accent done well by a narrator that brings a book to life. And Robin Laing is a brilliant narrator. So far I’ve read or listened to the first three books in the series: Perfect Remains, Perfect Prey, and Perfect Death. And I’m currently listening to Perfect Silence.

Still, I think when I’ve finished this one I’ll need to read an old Dorothy Whipple as an antidote to murder and mayhem. Maybe The Priory, one of my favourites. I remember reading my way through a few Dorothy Whipple books back in 2017. I was home with mum for a few weeks. My brother was gravely ill, and I was “in need of a little gentle reading.”

Reading, Reading, Reading in Bed - High Heels in the Wilderness (3)

In other book news, I read the other day that Edna O’Brien died recently at the age of 93. What a wonderful writer she was. Have a look at this article in The Guardian where she is remembered by fellow Irish writers, and called by one: “a beacon of brazenness and defiance.” One of the writers who remembers O’Brien in the article is Anne Enright whose work I also love. If you haven’t read her book Actress… you should.

A few years ago I wrote a post enthusing about O’Brien’s book The Little Red Chairs. The title references an art installation to commemorate the siege of Sarajevo back in the nineties. The siege lasted for 1,425 days and 11,541 people including 1,601 children lost their lives. The art installation consisted of 11,541 red chairs, one for each victim. It’s quite stunning to look at. But I won’t repeat everything I said in my earlier post. You can read it here if you’re interested.

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So that’s it for me, my bookish friends. Seriously, I can’t believe I’ve written this post today. My brain is befuddled with too much tea and too little sleep. When I finish this, I’m taking my book off for a nap. More reading in bed. And even if I can’t nod off, I’ll still get some reading done. Ha.

P.S. If you’re new around here, and are looking for more book suggestions, you might try scrolling through the list of book posts by clicking on the category link at the top right of the page. That way you can access a list of all my book posts.

P.P.S. The book links in this post are affiliate links. If you make a purchase after clicking my link, I will earn a small commission which helps to pay for the blog.


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Reading, Reading, Reading in Bed - High Heels in the Wilderness (5)

High Heels in the Wilderness is for women like me. Women who love clothes. And books. Who dream of travelling to amazing places. Who want to explore their own lives, and their own potential, now that they aren't twenty (or even forty) anymore.


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18 thoughts on “Reading, Reading, Reading in Bed”

  1. Reading, Reading, Reading in Bed - High Heels in the Wilderness (9)


    August 3, 2024 at 6:22 pm

    thank you for this. i always love your book posts and found a few i am definitely going to follow up,


  2. Reading, Reading, Reading in Bed - High Heels in the Wilderness (10)

    Diane B

    August 3, 2024 at 10:20 pm

    Sleeplessness just seems to make everything worse the next day as well. When reading for a few hours in the middle of the night doesn’t work it just feels hopeless. I hope you are able to sort yourself out soon. On a fun note, I am mixing 2 of my favorite things, reading and fashion. I picked up Allison Bernstein’s book, wear it well, after your post last week and am working my way through it, making notes. Thanks for the inspiration.


  3. Reading, Reading, Reading in Bed - High Heels in the Wilderness (11)


    August 4, 2024 at 12:45 am

    Ahhh- as usual your posts resonate! I’ve found that existential anxiety can descend seemingly out of nowhere -increasingly as I take more trips around the sun. And then (thankfully) the anxiety will lift and depart just as mysteriously as it arrived.

    In the meantime your posts are responsible for my newest addiction- PD James and her Adam Dagliesh series. Seriously, I’m presently reading #12. Binge reading. Might as well try to solve a murder on those sleepless nights that stimulate existential angst!

    I will send good thoughts in the hopes that ease soon returns……


  4. Reading, Reading, Reading in Bed - High Heels in the Wilderness (12)

    Gerber Célia

    August 4, 2024 at 1:59 am

    Je suis une grande insomniaque ….mais j’ai trouvé une façon personnelle de me rendormir ….
    Je lis sur mon canapé….jusqu’à avoir froid …et je me recouche dans mon lit douillet et bien chaud.
    Et le sommeil me gagne…
    Cela peut paraître ridicule ,mais pour moi ça marche…
    Je ne lis en ce moment que des romans écrits par des femmes . Et j’essaie d’analyser ce qui les rapproche.
    Déformation professionnelle sans doute….
    Bonne semaine ….


    1. Reading, Reading, Reading in Bed - High Heels in the Wilderness (13)


      August 4, 2024 at 10:40 am

      Je fais presque la même chose…Cela semble plus romantique écrit en français!


  5. Reading, Reading, Reading in Bed - High Heels in the Wilderness (14)


    August 4, 2024 at 3:10 am

    Insomnies par périodes, généralement signe avant-coureur d’une grosse migraine le lendemain… Grande lectrice de jour, grande auditrice de nuit.

    Je ressens un immense plaisir à écouter des livres, avec le sentiment que la personne qui lit le fait juste pour moi. Quel bonheur que des gens de talent – souvent des acteurs – me lisent, à moi, un livre ! J’ai aussi écouté des livres que je n’aurais pas toujours eu le courage de lire.

    Dernièrement j’ai écouté le livre d’Alice Munroe “Trop de Bonheur” la nuit et la journée lu “Fugitives”.


  6. Reading, Reading, Reading in Bed - High Heels in the Wilderness (15)

    August 4, 2024 at 4:54 am

    I wonder if your existential anxiety might be due to reading crime thrillers in the evening. Maybe quiet reading might be better? I’ve never been a good sleeper and i find I always need gentle reads at bedtime.
    I’ve just read/listened to two superb audiobooks, both from Dame Judi Dench. And Furthermore followed by The Man Who Pays the Rent. Articulate, resonant and beautiful. 11/10
    Also try Antoine Laurain. Elegant stories from a French author.


  7. Reading, Reading, Reading in Bed - High Heels in the Wilderness (16)


    August 4, 2024 at 5:24 am

    Thank you,Sue! I’ve read Zevin’s book and liked it, too.DeWitt’s, as well as Mason’s books (I even have Killing in November ) were on my radar-so I’ve bought The English Understand Wool here
    A couple of days ago, there was a big surprise-a lot of authors and their new books are to pre-order,sometimes a year in advance,but not Peter Grainger- you have to investigate! And ta-dah,new DC Smith The Late Lord Thorpe is here! I’ve just finished it
    Maz Evans’ Over My Dead Body was funny, witty, hilarious whodunnit with a twist. Dr. Miriam Price is murdered and has to prove it. I’ve loved it
    At the moment, I’m reading Ann Enright’s The Wren,The Wren
    I hope that your sleepless nights are over soon! It is so exhausting


  8. Reading, Reading, Reading in Bed - High Heels in the Wilderness (17)


    August 4, 2024 at 6:07 am

    I read Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow for a book club read. I liked it, but didn’t love it until our book club discussion and then I had a new appreciation for the book. When choosing books, I like to vary genres and push myself outside my comfort zone. I’ll read most anything-not a fan of romance but some I can take. I just finished Margo’s Got Money Troubles which was an enjoyable read. Magic and fantasy books are ones I enjoy too. Recently, I finished The Familiar by Leigh Bardugo. I had put off reading this one because I wasn’t sure I was in the mood for the fantasy /gremory theme of most of her novels. After reading many reviews I gave it a go. I’m so glad I did. This book has been one of my favorite reads this year. Yes, there was magic, but the history-The Spanish Inquisition, the characters and the intertwining of religion and relationships was captivating.


  9. Reading, Reading, Reading in Bed - High Heels in the Wilderness (18)


    August 4, 2024 at 8:14 am

    As a person who has always struggled to sleep well, I’d say never make lists, or mentally write letters, emails etc just before sleeping,guaranteed to wake you up. Perhaps you could try Melatolin, it’s good for short term sleep problems.Here you can buy little jelly “sweets” containing Melatolin , Valerian, and vitamins I think , which I use occasionally , and I soon drop off.
    Your book suggestions are always appreciated !


  10. Reading, Reading, Reading in Bed - High Heels in the Wilderness (19)


    August 4, 2024 at 8:16 am

    Oh, and getting physically tired, with doing something like gardening, seems to help.


  11. Reading, Reading, Reading in Bed - High Heels in the Wilderness (20)


    August 4, 2024 at 8:21 am

    What an interesting post. I’ve followed up on some of your recommendations and have just ordered the O’Farrell, Hill and ??? ( forgotten his name) via your links. Am looking forward to discovering new authors as I’ve got a bit stuck in a rut. So predictable perhaps that the selection of books my husband chose for my birthday turned out to be ones I’d already read. Don’t want to burst his bubble though.

    In an earlier post you mentioned having got bogged down in the biography of Barbara Pym. I felt exactly the same. She just seemed a bit too self indulgent to me in her middle years, which I found irritating. However I was on a solo trip with only that book for company so I ploughed on and was glad that I did. So perhaps you might return to Miss Pym one day.

    Or not.


  12. Reading, Reading, Reading in Bed - High Heels in the Wilderness (21)


    August 4, 2024 at 10:29 am

    A coincidence as I also had a few sleepless nights this week and was feeling incredibly tired the whole week until Friday, and I’m usually a great sleeper, too, with a book spread open on the bed to be picked up in the wee hours. (I do have work stress, but really couldn’t put my finger on exactly what was making it difficult to sleep, other than the changing weather, as I hate putting on the air conditioning and closing the windows… That said, existential anxiety rings a bell…I always think of the Desiderata: Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Not to pin loneliness on you, but we’re all lonely in our way in the middle of the night…). Hope you are able to find a meditative way to break the impasse with your mind.


  13. Reading, Reading, Reading in Bed - High Heels in the Wilderness (22)

    Wendy in York

    August 4, 2024 at 10:49 am

    I’m sorry about your sleeping problems. I’ve learnt to avoid caffeine after lunchtime & that includes any serious chocolate . My bedside reading is never anything exciting or suspenseful. I leave those books downstairs & have something like history , memoirs or a family tale by Joanne Trollop by the bedside . Nevertheless there are spells when thoughts tumble around like crazy & I toss & turn . Books I’ve enjoyed recently are American Dirt by Jeannine Cummins , All The Beautiful Lies by Peter Swanson & Behind The Throne by Adrian Tinniswood . This last book is a history of the British monarchy from Elizabeth 1st to Elizabeth 2nd . Not as heavy as it sounds , it explores the networks that support the crown , the costs involved & includes lots of details of day to day court life . Quite gossipy but , unlike The Crown which I gave up on , it is factual & importantly for me , it isn’t sycophantic . Thanks for your suggestions , I’ll check them out & thanks also to Dotteressa – another DC Smith , how nice !


  14. Reading, Reading, Reading in Bed - High Heels in the Wilderness (23)

    Denise L.

    August 4, 2024 at 11:00 am

    I read You Are Here after your blog post about it and enjoyed it very much! I had never heard of David Nicholls before, and I now have another of his books on hold at the library.

    I find that reading during the wee hours can be counter-productive for me in drifting off to sleep because it can wake up my buzzing brain even more. My own solution (which I’ve probably mentioned here before) is to play the audio version of a very familiar book on low volume. The “very familiar” part is soothing, plus I am not willing myself to stay awake to see what happens.

    Thanks for more book recommendations, and I hope that you’re soon sleeping well again!


  15. Reading, Reading, Reading in Bed - High Heels in the Wilderness (24)


    August 4, 2024 at 12:01 pm

    In case anyone needs this tip….my son-in-law taught me ‘box breathing’. You can find directions online. If I focus on doing this technique, I find that I will be asleep in a few minutes.


  16. Reading, Reading, Reading in Bed - High Heels in the Wilderness (25)


    August 4, 2024 at 4:14 pm

    A family member just treated me to the book Small Mercies by Dennis Lehane. I offer this up as a suggestion, since you don’t shy away from murder and mayhem. It’s a story about a homicide detective and a very determined mother in South Boston in the 1970’s. Not at all my usual preference, but Lehane writes so beautifully I couldn’t put it down. Now I’m reading another of his called The Given Day.

    I have plenty of sleepless nights, so I sympathize. As a retiree I’m consoled by the fact that I can always nap the next day should I feel the need. Four-seven-eight (inhale four seconds; hold for seven, exhale for eight) breathing helps, too.


  17. Reading, Reading, Reading in Bed - High Heels in the Wilderness (26)

    Eva Popovich

    August 5, 2024 at 4:11 am

    Dear Sue,
    I started reading this post at the end of my two-hour time of being awake wating for the arrival of our latest tropicall depression, Debbie. I finally feel tired enough to go back to bed after two glasses of water and a little reading, and so I’m putting this post aside for reading when I wake up later.
    Thank you as always for your wonderful posts, and wishing for both of us to sleep well henceforth!


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Reading, Reading, Reading in Bed - High Heels in the Wilderness (2024)


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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

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Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.