Green Bay Press-Gazette from Green Bay, Wisconsin (2024)

6 Tuesday, Nov. 12, 1963 GREEN BAY PRESS GAZETTE 1 Preble Adopts Budget With Small Tax Boost Vocational To Buy $26,864 Computer i rv At; Ms fi About 50 electors of the Town of Preble Monday night unanimously adopted a 1964-65 town cent educational discount by IBM and 50 per cent reimburse ment by the federal government reduces the price to $23,864. Another $3,000 is for manuals and controls. The discounted price of the budget of $616,339, calling for a tax of $2.52 per $1,000 of local assessed value for town government. The annual hearing was held at the Preble Fire Station.

The tax levy for the coming fiscal year is $127,563, or $3,539 more than the present year. The tax rate is two cents higher per $1,000 than the current year. In addition to the town tax, equipment before federal funds The Green Bay Vocational School Board Monday night authorized the purchase of IBM data processing equipment costing $26,864 and announced plans to begin data processing courses next summer. The Green Bay school will thus become the fifth vocational school in the state to conduct such classes. The others are Milwaukee, Madison, Kenosha and Appleton.

The total cost of the equipment is $119,320, but a 60 per are received is: Central processing unit, card system, and 71 cenU per $1,000 to the Water Utility. Varying tax rates also will, be levied in the four sewer districts in the town. The rates are: Metropolitan Sewerage District, 69 cents per Sewer District 1, Sewer District 2, and Sewer District 3, $1.65. These rates represent an increase of 15 cents per $1,000 in the Metropolitan district; a decrease of nine cents in District an increase of 30 cents in District 2, and an increase of 18 cents in District 3. Major budget expenditures are: Brown County highway fund for Preble, Street county special charges, bond retirement and Interest, Fire punch, accounting ma- chine, printing card all residents will pay $17.37 per $1,000 of assessed value for the operation of the Preble school punch, sorter, and card adapter, $200.

The board agreed to install the system and begin courses on the recommendation of several local businessmen with whom they met recently, according to Director K. W. Hau-benschild. Additional costs will be an Instructors salary. Planners Back Original Vote On Two Issues Mother Ludwina Dies, Headed Hospital Order The mother superior of the Hospital Sisters of the Third Or park administra In other business, the board tion, Maintenance authorized the following street lights, Police clerk's Diocese schools; Bessy Zadrazil, St.

Joseph's Academy teacher; Sister Lucille, St. Joseph's Academy, principal, Russell Way, superintendent of Green Bay schools; the Rev. H. H. Toonen, O.

principal of Premontre, and Harry Hoehne, vice-principal of Premontre. (Press-Gazette Photo) Joint Promotion To advance the objections of National Education Week, now being observed, members of public and parochial schools met Monday at Franklin Junior High to discuss their educational programs. The group included, from left, the Rev. Richard Kleiber, superintendent of Green Bay Cafeteria equipment, J. Casper Green Bay; office, and "public welfare, $10,000.

der of St. Francis, the order Revenue includes: Returned which operates St. Vincent Hos The City Plan Commission acoustical tile, $4,124, H. J. Martin and Son, Green Bay; painting, $1,161, Jack Vand, income taxes, public pital here, died Sunday enroute reaffirmed and sent back to to Japan on business, according honor roll are: to Sister M.

Radegundls, superior-administrator of the Green Bay; 30 teachers chairs at $34 each, $1,025, E. DonFrey and Son, Green Bay; asphalt Senior Beth Abrohams, Doreen Adam- any, Dennit Adams, Jon Alk, Anne utility tax, motor vehicle tax, liquor tax, state road aid, and local liquor licenses, operators permits, $11,300. The budget report lists the total valuation of the town as the City Council Monday night two actions previously taken but returned by the council. One was an action recommending approval of a request by the H. C.

Prange Co. to Benkendorf, Steve Bodemer, Linda Bozsa, floor tile, $724, H. Martin and Donna Bray, Bonnie Buell, Helen Burns, Two Brothers To Face Trial She was the Rev. Mother M. Son; and door openers, $466, La Top Students Of East High Are Listed Barbara Buss, Gary OeBauche, Thomas Ludwina, O.S.F., 69, a native of Springfield, 111., where the Deer, Mary Ann Delveaux, Bonnie Oen-nlssen, Naomi Derepowski.

Force Builders Hardware Co. Green Bay. vacate an alley in Block 76 $50,748,457 or $1,175,382 greater Barbara Eellls, Terry Fondow, Herbert Fuller, William Qoeben, Jean Goelz, motherhouse is located. She was appointed provincial than last year. The bonded in between Weise and Vander-break Streets.

The commission went farther and also recom Cheryl Oospoderek, Roger Henkelmann, Jane Hinkley, Steven Horn, Frances Houston, Patrick Humphreys, Ann Jenks, Sandra Kocha, Elizabeth Kores, Dolores debtedness is $177,000 or $40,500 less than the current 12-month period, of the American province of the order in 1956. Prior to this she Church Meetings Set in District Six seniors, three juniors and mended approval of another nine sophom*ores are cited on Kusch, Barbara Lavln, Virginia Lepak. Martin under, William Llpschultz. the high honors listing for the Anderson Nancy Madden, Fred Mancheskl, Har Granberg first period this year at East District meetings in newly vey Medress, William Miller, Lynn Mlllhlser, Judy Moore, Connie Mraz, Prange request to vacate an aJJey in Block 77. Both requests are subject to approval of abutting property owners.

The other reaffirmed decision High School. formed districts of the North Brenda Olsen, Lynn Olsen, Paul Pagel. was superior-administrator at St. John's Hospital, Springfield, and Sacred Heart Hospital, Eau Claire. Mother Ludwina had been a frequent visitor to the Green Bay hospital operated by the order.

eastern Association of the Unit They are: Seniors Karen Borgan, Phyl Margaret Petiniot, Diane Pharli, Elizabeth Reeke, Ronald Reimer. Kathy Schuning, Suzanne Seller, Mar ed Church of Christ will be held throughout the state the next ilyn Shekore, Virginia Small, Streu, lis Holman, Sue Huebner, Janet Krieser, Carolyn Liebert and Was a recommended revision of Granberg New City Inspector Earl Granberg, 39, 1101 Ber-ner has been named Green Bay building inspector. Health Clinic Is Wednesday A pre-school immunization clinic will be held In the Health Dept. at City Hall from a.m. Wednesday.

Children must be three months old to receive triple vaccine which includes whooping Evelyn Trodahl, Craig VanSlyke, Linda three days. Vincent, Paula Wendschuh, Diana Whyte, Linda Schrock. The new districts are Sheboy Nancy York, David Zimmerman. Juniors Joan Kernodle, John fence requirements within zoning districts. The commission had recommended an increase in the height of rear and por Juniors Martha Bagby, Sarah Belsel, gan, Oshkosh and Green Bay.

Scepanski and Linda Shaw. Sessions are set for tonight at Francis Berg, Myra Berk, Terry Bogard, Tim Buehrer, Ellen Burnham, Margaret DeKeyier, Sandra DeKeyser, Christine Sophom*ores Colburn Cher- tions of side fences from four Zlon First United Church of Christ in Sheboygan; Wednes Detry. to six feet, with no fences in ney, Joyce uaneiski, Suzanne Detry, Ronald Henry, Mary Sue Eichlnger, Susan Eisenhower, Jef The appointment of Granberg followed the promotion last week by the City Council of Sel-mer (Sam) Anderson, who was day at First Congregational trey Frey, Barbara Glese, Helen Eliza the street setback areas, the cough, diphtheria and tetanus, Martin, Christine Prussing, Ce Church in Appleton and Thurs beth Graves, Thomas Griggs, Rebecca Gruman, John Patrick Harrington, Cathy council had rejected this plan. cella Trad, Mary Wegner and day at First Congregational Harris, Paul! Hoeft, Oerjldme Huempf- building inspector, to the post of. Two brothers, charged with stealing more than $1,000 worth of meat from the Reimer Meat Products were ordered to stand trial Jan.

30 after pleading innocent in County Court Branch 2 today. Raymond Janssen, 32, of Pembine, and his brother James, 23, of 626 N. Superior De Pere, are charged with taking various processed meat products from the Allouez firm in more than a year's time. In other court action, David J. Boucher, 23, of Green Bay, Rt.

2, was fined $15 and costs after being found guilty of speeding. He was arrested by county officers on Cass Street in Preble. Monday afternoon, Judge James W. Byers fined Beverly J. Kappel, 27, of Appleton, $50 and costs and suspended her driving license for six months after she was found guilty of reckless driving.

She was also fined $25 for disorderly conduct following her arrest Aug. 11 by county police on Monroe Avenue. Barbara Lemerond, Appleton, a passenger in the Kappel car, also was fined $25 and costs for disorderly conduct. Pamela Welsing. ner.

and six months of age to receive smallpox vaccine, according to Mrs. Leona Miller, R. public health nursing supervi Church at West De Pere. The commission also made a detailed study of a proposed revision of the Trailer Park Mark Jabbusch, Dennis Jepten, Brian Students named to the regular Church councils and board Kllllni, Gala Larson, Russell Lenz, Pa Inspector Dept. superintendent and office manager.

Anderson replaced Al Manders, who re Flintville Area Topic of Meeting School boards from Howard-Suamico and Pulaski will meet tonight at Pulaski High School to discuss attendance-valuation boundaries involving the Flintville area in Suamico. At a joint meeting of school committees of Brown, Shawano and Oconto counties two weeks ago the Flintville area was attached to Howard-Suamico. At that time the boards agreed to meet and discuss the possibility tricia Mathey, Barbara McClure, Mary McDonald, Dale McKeefry, Christine sor. Ordinance, now generally con members, as well as interested lay people are invited. There will be a report of the general Meyer, Grace Moore, Linda Musial, Cath ceded to be outmoded.

Action on the changes, which will erine Myers. tired last month. GrMberg, before his city ap- Man Captured In Silver Rail Kathryn Paque, James Percy, Janice synod meeting in Denver, a mo amount to a major revision of Red Cross Has First Aid Course The American Red Cross is Pious, Franclne Rasmussen, Russell Rifleman, Linda Rlrlt, Carol Sievert, Alice Siudiinskl, David Strommen, Barbara the existing ordinance, will tion picture of the president's talk and discussion of Christian poij )nt, was employed for 13 ywi as a construction foreman by the Frank Zeise Co. He Ullmer. probably be taken in two weeks.

A Jackson, man caught World Missions for 1964. Shirley Ann Vandermost, Ellen Vander Velden, Eileen VanLangendon, Jane Van is a graduate of Oshkosh High School. One preliminary subdivision plat and three final plats were inside a West Side restaurant and bar was being questioned Dens, Katharine Wake, Kathleen Weaver, offering its second 10-hour first aid class in the chapter office at 240 N. Baird starting Nov. 20 at 7:30 p.m.

Mary Jane Wlddlfleld, Judith Wldoe, Jan Ashwaubenon approved subject to usual tech this morning by city detectives. Wlnblgler, Mary Wright, Carol Zimmern, of some students in Flintville Sophom*ores Jeremy Alk, Judith Baker, Aldren J. LesPerance, 38, was nical changes. These were the preliminary plat of Kellogg The public is invited. There it Steven Brooker, Howard Deer, Thomas R.

DeKeyser, James Dudley, Dorothy Woods Subdivision in the Town Dube, Richard Durand, Robin Deutsch. apprehended shortly after i a. m. today by Patrolman Stanley Keckhaver, who spotted Les Klchtensteln, Nancy Meyer, Colin Mich-eud, Ida Lynn MHIer, Frederick Noth, Michael Nuthals, Diane O'Brien, Eileen Olsen. Michael Pious, Linda Rakow, Judith Reimer, Julie Rescorle, William Scepanski, Cletus Sellssen, Marilyn Servals, Oevld Skovera, Lynn Tieiens, Linda Vaxelelre, Nancy Wlnblgler, Judy Larry Ebert, David Grelllng, Robert no charge for this instruction and a trained volunteer instructor will teach the class.

of Allouez, the final plats of Plans Meet On School attending Pulaski schools and attaching some of the area to its school district by means of "school board action." i The meeting tonight will begin at 8 p.m. Haugen, James Hill, Joanne Jacobs, David Jaeger, Cheryl Johnson, Marcla Perance inside the Silver Rail, Kelley, Berbara Kimble, Wayne Klopotek, Persons interested should call 301 S. Broadway. Claire Knuth, John Krueger. the Red Cross office.

Terrl Lambert, Steve Levlne, Kay The officer held a gun on the An informational meeting to man irom outside a window while radioing for help. Two Dorn Acres No. 2 and Smith Acres No. 1 in Ashwaubenon and Fellows Subdivision No. 3 on the west side of Fellows Drive between Dousman Street end Shawano Avenue.

The commission also recommended vacation of Pearl Street north of Dousman on the grounds there is no further need for that portion of the street. present the master plan of the new Ashwaubenon High School to the town residents will be squad cars responded and Les Perance was taken Into custody mm Eton iDffif nil held from 8 to 9:30 p.m. Wed without Incident. mM Inl nesday in the Cormier School LesPerance said he came to gymnasium. Green Bay late Monday after The architect, Robert W.

sur noon and stopped at several bars. He had been in the Silver plice, will be present along with the School Board, Build Rail also, police said, and re Fastest Start Ever For Another All-Time Record-Creaking Sales Year ing Committee and the admin istrator, to answer questions. turned to the building after It closed. Ward To Give Lecture Tonight John Preston Ward, lawyer and blind Negro pro An informational ballot will LesPerance gained entry through a rear building be taken among those present to be used as a guide by the School Board In planning the fessor of political science at the size of the bond Issue to meet construction costs. Green Bay Center of the Univer-sity of Wisconsin will present i public lecture "Freedom of Ex.

Legion Post 11 Lists Programs Bill Boyer and Harold Habeck, co-chairmen of the entertainment committee of Sulllvan- presslon and Problems of Free Speech," at 7:30 tonight at the tenter. The Green Bay Center and Wallen American Legion Post Ward are offering his four bl weekly discussions on a re-ex 11, have announced the following program schedule for the A town referendum is planned Dec. 4 at Cormier School from 1 to 8 p.m. Youths Cleared In Burglaries Four youths taken Into custody by Sheriff-Traffic Dept. officers following the discovery of three Preble burglaries early this morning have been cleared of any involvement in the entries.

Officers on routine patrol dis coming year: Veterans' Day dinner dance, aminatlon of the Bill of Rights as a public service with no charge to those attending. Tonight Ward will examine basic provisions concerning freedom of religion, speech and freedom Nov. 16; father and son banquet, Dec. children's Christ of association. Rafeld Among New Pharmacists covered the entries at the Super mas party, Dec.

22; New Year Eve dinner dance, Dec. 31; father and daughter banquet, Jan. 22; Valentine's Day dinner and daace, Feb. Legion birthday and St. Patrick's Day dance, March 14; costume dinner dance, April 25; and firing squad banquet, May 16.

All events will be held at the Legion Clubhouse at Pine and Jackson Streets. Par service station, Chuck's Standard station and the and A Green Bay man was one of Drive-In, at the Main 28 persons to receive certlf- icatei of registration Monday irom the State Board of He is Fred Rafeld, son of Mr. AMERICAN Compact economy king has all-new wagon, 1 new styling, ride, room America's lowest prices: styling, ride, room America's lowest prices: Lowest priced sedans, hardtop, convertible. and Mrs. Ernest Rafeld, 820 Shawano Ave.

Boulevard-Deckner Street intersection. A short time after the entries were discovered, police spotted four youths in the area and brought them to the county jail for questioning, A polygraph examination cleared the youths and they were released. In each entry, vending machines were opened and money Greek Prince To Wed Danish Princess ATHENS, Greece (UPD The Greek royal court formally an Around Town BENEFIT ASSOCIATION OF Railway Employes meeting tonight has been changed to Wednesday, Nov 20 at the nounced Monday night that Crown Prince Constantine and Only Rambler offers all these extra values Rattle-free Advanced Unit Construction Deep-Dip rustproofing Rust-fighting galvanized steel In vital areas Ceramic-Armored muffler Double Safety Brakes or 3-year chassis lube Rambler leads because Rambler listens Compniwni besed en minuficturen' ludiitid letnl prices (or towett priced modeli. parking. New options include a sporty Shift-Command automatic floor stick for V-8's you shift it, or it shifts itself; and Adjust-O-Tilt 7-position steering wheel for Classics and Ambassadors to fit the needs of every driver.

Come see the most successful Ramblers ever. We listen when you talk; build what you want into Ramblers that are obviously better values. ThrM exciting serlesl Most beautiful, best selling Ramblers ever builtl These new '64s are stunningly new in styling. All have stretch-out room for 6 adults. All have the superb comfort of coil-spring seats.

All have the luxury of curved-glass side windows. There's a remarkably new and smoother ride to go with America's easiest handling and Princess Anna Maria of Denmark will wed "after Aug. 30, 1964." That is the princess' 18th removed. Other items such as antl-freeze and automotive parts were reported missing from the birthday. service stations.

Eagles Hall, 1035 Vander-braak St. CHRISTIAN BUSINESSMEN'S Committee noon luncheon every Wednesday in the Washington Room of the YMCA. DIRECTORS OF STAFF SERV- City Renews Library, Stadium Parking Study ices of Brown County Civil De fense will meet In the YMCA'i Joannes Room Wednesday noon. WEST GREEN BAY LIONS The committee also will re Proposals to enlarge the: Club members will tour Lind- quist Machine and Tool ceive a report irom Assessor City Stadium parking lot and to build a new central library John O'Connor on negotia 610 Baeten Road, Ashwau benon, following their Wed tions for the site of the for will be back before the City Council Finance Committee nesday noon meeting at Holi mer Blackstone Hotel prop tonight. day Inn.

erty. The Council instructed The Stadium Commission THE NEVILLE MUSEUM GEO- will report on the result of its the committee to determine if the land could be bought for logy Club meets at 7:30 p.m. negotiations with Victor Van- Wednesday at the activities a riverfront park after the room of the museum. nieuwenhoven, owner of residential property southwest Parking Utility proposed to sell a strip of adjoining land of the stadium. The tract un WILL-O-WAY HANDICAPPED Club meets from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m.

Wednesday at Howe to the Blackstone owners for der discussion was part of a $6,000. farm purchased by the city in IS School. Homecraft demonstrations by Mrs. Norbert Kox. The enlarged tract would be used for a new motel, it is re 1957 to build the stadium.

The library will be back before the committee in the EAGLE SCOUT DINNER AT ported. 2. 3. AMBASSADOR V-8 -High-performance luxury V-8. Bucket seati, console, folding armrests, 270 hp standard in 990-H hardtop.

CLASSIC 6 or V-8-Big inside, trim outside. Cross Country, above, is the world's best selling 6-cyIinder station wagon. Also available with new 198-hp V-8. Roof-Top Travel Rack, standard. 3-seat, 5-door wagon optional.

Dazzling new hardtop, 2- and 4-door sedans, too. 6:30 tonight at the Downtowner Motel. The committee will receive form of a motion of the Coun notice from the Board of Edu ty Board Education Commit ROBERT L. ROEMER, REP- cation that it is not interested tee asking Green Bay for spe resentative of the Interstate See the '64 Ramblers-No. 1 in Compact-Car Sales -at your Rambler Dealer cific information on costs of a in selling lots on Lore Lane Highway System, will speak proposed new building, land to the Army Reserve for a ga at the West Side Kiwanis sites, and services to be pro Club at 6 p.m.

Wednesday at vided to non-Green Bay the Sportsman's Lodge. GOLDEN AGE CLUB WILL rage because the lots are part of the Franklin Junior High School tract. The Park Board will ask for $1,213 to pay for a sidewalk ordered by the Council at Mather Heights Park. AMERICAN AUTO SALES, 815 Main St. PRODUCT OF AMERICAN MOTORS QUALITY-BUILT IN WISCONSIN Watch the Danny Kaye Show on CBS-TV, Wednesday evenings, 9:00 P.

Channel 2 Tha Finance Committee at its last session proposed a hold a pot luck supper at 6 p.m. Wednesday at Roosevelt joint meeting with the Educa School. Bring your own table tion Committee, setting..

Green Bay Press-Gazette from Green Bay, Wisconsin (2024)


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Name: Domingo Moore

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Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.