CBS News Bay Area: Evening Edition 5pm : KPIX : August 13, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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kids are talking to each other. we have lost that a little bit. >> and plus we'll show you how a beloved former giant is leading the charge to make his hometown a better place to live. a plan from a bay area lawmaker to address rampant car break-ins is now awaiting governor newsom's signature. for years we've seen scenes like this one at tourist spots throughout the bay area. cars with shattered windows, lining the streets after a series of break-ins. but because of a legal loophole, law enforcement says its hands are tied in many situations. as wilson walker explains, a new bill that just passed the legislature aims to change that. >> if you have proof someone broke into a car, that should be enough to convict the person

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and to have accountability requiring proof the doors are locked is absurd. >> reporter: absurd in the mind of many, but it is currently the law. for prosecutors to convict someone of auto burglary, they must first prove the car is locked. something that can pose obvious challenges especially when the victims are not residents of the city like this poor family from argentina we met at alamo square last year. >> and they took our passports, my computer. >> those tourists are not going to fly back into san francisco. they're from the east coast or asia or europe to testify they did, in fact, lock their car. >> reporter: state senator scott wiener at alamo square back in 2018 a couple of years after car break-ins started to skyrocket in san francisco. now that push to close the loophole was joined by the city's then district attorney. >> common sense would tell you if you have broken glass, obviously someone broke into

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the vehicle. >> reporter: but the 2018 effort and another in 2019 were turned back in sacramento and the words of san francisco's then public defender. >> well, i mean, you know, we are moving away from increasing criminal penalties. >> yeah, when it comes to public safety and criminal justice, there is always swings in the pendulum. >> reporter: weiner says five years later, things have changed. his bill closes the loophole by actually creating a new law, unlawful entry of a vehicle. a felony conviction would mean 16 months to three years. >> so you could have accountability without destroying peoples lives, giving them an opportunity to be rehabilitated and to integrate back into society. >> reporter: and you will remember san francisco police launched a significant crackdown on last august and car break-ins are down 50% in the city since 2022. however, a trip by alamo square will

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likely reveal that there is still work to be done. >> and this bill once it's signed into law, which i believe it will be will give them an additional tool to hold people accountable for breaking into cars. >> reporter: and the bill also creates another new law that will allow for the prosecution of anyone in possession of more than $950 worth of property taken from a vehicle. that's where the person took it themselves was found holding it or trying to sell it. the bill now goes to the governor's desk. as you heard he's expected to sign it into law. >> all right, we tried to get a sense of how big this problem is. so we asked senator weiner's office if they could tell us how many defendants were let go. they referred us to prosecutors. so we asked the d.a.'s office who told us they do not have those numbers. three former santa clara county jail guards convicted of beating an inmate to death

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could soon be released on parole, after accepting new voluntary manslaughter pleas. the jail guards were convicted of second-degree murder for the 2015 attack, a mentally ill inmate, michael tyree. but they overturned that conviction back in 2022, citing a state law. and today the former guards appeared in court and pleaded guilty to the lesser charges that will carry a maximum sentence of 11 years. santa clara county d. a. says it was important that the plea deal included the guards admitting guilt. >> which to us does not mean saying no contest or just pleading guilty and then coming out here and saying oh well, i pled guilty, but i didn't really do it. i just wanted to take this particular deal. it was important for us to have them say what they did and what they did is they beat this mentally ill man to death.

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>> with time served, the three men could be paroled in a few months. since the killing, the county passed several reforms to improve oversight in jails including adding body-worn cameras and training guards on interacting with mentally ill inmates. showing the chain of events before the bay area man was shot and killed by police in los angeles. he was unarmed at the time. his family held a memorial today. these are photos of ricardo ramirez provided by his family. he was 18 years old. here is a look at some of the footage from that night provided and edited by the lapd. ramirez was driving just south of downtown. officers thought they had seen the teens get into some sort of road rage incident. after radioing in the information, a vice sergeant in an unmarked car spotted and tailed the teens' vehicle, which stopped in front of the sergeant's car

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as you can see here. security camera shows ramirez running to the driver's side of the sergeant car and we froze this video as the sergeant then shot ramirez from inside his patrol vehicle. he died at the scene. his family is planning to sue the city of los angeles for wrongful death. and today they released balloons at the cemetery where he was buried in coma. ramirez lived most of his life richland and just graduated from high school. >> i will forever miss him. and i have to be strong and have to do this for my son. i love him so much. i know he knows that. >> the california department of justice is investigating the shooting along with the lapd. rob bonta will conduct a review list. crews are getting a handle on a brush fire in a remote part of marin county. smoke was

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visible across the county today. no buildings are in danger and there are no evacuation orders. still no word yet though on what started that fire. oakland firefighters have wrapped up their investigation into a fire that gutted a beloved bookstore without finding an exact cause of that fire. the fire destroyed east bay booksellers in the rockridge neighborhood on the morning of july 30. officials say today, the fire appeared to have started in a rear office on the second floor above the bookstore. but because of the collapse danger, they cannot determine an exact cause of the fire. still investigators say it appears to be accidental. back to school, governor newsom sends a letter across the state to immediately restrict the use of cellphones in the classroom. many schools including here in the bay area have already implemented a no cellphone policy. two of them in roseville and stockton

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started yesterday. some parents there like the idea. they think it will limit distractions in the classroom and encourage students to connect face to face. >> i think it's a good idea for the school to help reinforce interpersonal relationships instead of using phones all the time. center for us it's honestly as simple as less distractions, more focus. >> but some parents are worried about not being able to reach their kids. newsom says the evidence is clear keeping phones out of class leads to better academic and social outcomes. coming up tonight at 6:00, a closer look at how a new policy requiring students to store their phones in pouches is working out at mount diablo high school in concord. teachers in california are among those not entitled to paid leave after having a baby. one educator from the bay area has been on a year's long mission to change that. >> it's been five years, like nothing has happened. we need

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your help, governor. >> coming up tonight at 5:30, our conversation with the teacher who says governor newsom is dragging his feet on addressing this critical issue. lots of first day of school excitement in dublin. hundreds of students walked the school's newest school, emerald high. the first high school to open in alameda county in 50 years. more than 900 students showed up for the first day of school. some were there early before the first bell rang at 8:30 this morning. the principal says high schools don't open often, but while many school districts are dealing with declining enrollment, dublin unify has gained about 4,000 students in just the last decade. >> brand new schools are often funded through parcel taxes and bonds in the community. what we have here is a true reflection of the investment by the dublin community in education. >> the school costs about $374

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million to build and parts are still under construction. as of now there's only freshmen and sophom*ores. but once completed, the campus will have capacity for 2,500 students. up next a bay area police department facing questions about a jaywalking arrest caught on camera. why the woman's attorney say it should never have been taken this far. i saw a situation that had seen overkill. i saw an officer who appears to behave like a bully. and went above and beyond what he should have been doing. >> a bay area community clean up featuring former giants favorite, hunter pence. how volunteers are making the start of the school year a little brighter for kids in their neighborhood. plus? it's stretchable just like jelly really. >> this is amazing. a medical marvel inspired by electric

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eels. these stretchable brain implants that could help treat degenerative diseases. another nice day across the bay area. temperatures a few degrees warmer than they were at this point monday. but the warm up pushed us back up to aver

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today a group of pro palestinian protesters who blocked traffic on the golden gate bridge are due in court. they turned themselves in yesterday and all 26 protesters would face a laundry list of charges for the april shut down. and the drivers on the bridge and an unlawful assembly. on the bay bridge, those protesters only had to pay $4,500 in restitution and some community service hours. they say they are not being consistent. eight of the protesters are charged with felony conspiracy. and

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protesters shut down a busy freeway in los angeles. about 50 people blocked traffic. officers were seen detaining several folks on the freeway and other military equipment to israel, but they could take years to be delivered. san francisco police are accused of breaking their own policy while detaining a woman over allegations of jaywalking. kelsi thorud has video of the incident that now sparked a lawsuit. >> reporter: this video is shared with us by those representing christina porter taken on july 29 in san

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francisco and shows what they believe was an unwarranted stop and violent arrest. >> and i saw an officer who appeared to behave like a bully and went above and beyond what they should have been doing. >> reporter: the confrontation came after they allegedly jaywalked through an intersection. this surveillance video also shared with us by her attorney's office would show porter walking through the intersection and being stopped by the officer. the attorney says several bystanders pulled out their phones and started recording. porter's attorney says tay believe the video shows a clear case of excessive force. >> what i saw was a mother of

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five who is domestic violence victim in a recent domestic violence victim be subjective to use of force especially not for jaywalking. >> reporter: she was cited for resisting arrest and crossing against a red light. they are now calling on the district attorney to decline to officially charge porter and to discipline the officer involved. they're also filing a lawsuit. >> and what comes with the lawsuit? we'll see. but externally, that we want the san francisco police department to look at this and discipline this officer or at a minimum, we would train them. >> we did reach out multiple times about the case and so far they have not responded. today a giant effort from the community to beautify a school in the tenderloin led by former giant, the two-time

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world series champion, hunter pence. this is in san francisco with about 30 volunteers with reimagining san francisco and the healthy planet project that would get their hands dirty. planting trees and flowers along the school's playground before they return next week. >> and being in that environment that will change everything and maybe the kids will feel it unconsciously. even the parents and the teachers who are pouring a lot of love and a lot of work into the kids. >> and so great to see. according to the school district, they have the most children per capita in the entire school district while having the least apt of open space in the city. nevada state police say an impaired driver may have caused a fire burning near the border with that fire there and the fire broke out on sunday along interstate 80 about 15 minutes west of reno. firefighters say

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a car caught fire and the flames may have spread to a bush. now investigators are looking into what role they played. evacuation orders have been downgraded to warnings for folks living by the fire and burned more than 600 acres, 8% contained. it is just another reminder that it might be great here, but elsewhere it is still dry and it is still hot and we are not immuned from that. >> and that breeze has been helping us out as we have not had too many. >> knock on wood. >> exactly. >> and that will continue. take a look at what you need to know through the rest of the workweek as we would look outside from the top of salesforce tower, and they were in that good air quality today that will continue for at least the next seven days, if not the

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next ten days. morning fog is giving way for the fog where it will be tough to shake and high temperatures are remaining close to what is normal through the year and at least the next ten days or so. seeing blue skies overhead and in san jose at 82 degrees. and all these numbers within a degree or two is what's normal for the middle of august. and that fog will try to reform through the rest of tonight and through the rest of this evening as they would take on the atlanta braves. hoping to have more offense than last night. game time temperatures in the low 60s. temperatures are coasting down into the 50s. forecast models, we will stay clear through the course of the evening and that fog starts to roll back as we head through the rest of tonight. you can see that on futurecast. a lot more gray showing up. the

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brighter white is the fog at ground level and that gray is higher up in the atmosphere, which there won't be too many of those. where they make a good inland push, it will not last very long by mid-morning and even around san francisco. you should see that sun breaking through by lunchtime at least to the east of twin peaks. closer to the coast, the fog will be really tough to shake. let's talk about temperatures, which will drop down to what's normal for this time of the year and in the santa clara valley, dropping to around 60 degrees in san jose. cooler as you go further inland. further into the delta into the lower half of the 60s by early tomorrow, which is normal for this time of the year. most of us in the 50s with a couple of cooler spots. temperatures tomorrow morning, not quite as cool as we will have the upper 40s to begin the day on wednesday. but appropriately cool for this time of the year and free air-conditioning for the spots in the 80s today. the high temperatures today, back up to 90 degrees in santa rosa and a couple of degrees above average. most inland

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temperatures in the 80s. the exception is the spot that will manage to get up to 90 degrees. mostly 70s close to 80 degrees down the peninsula and redwood city. the warmer air continues to push further off to the east. and cooler than normal conditions. the six to ten-day outlook center. the cool pocket is probably going to shrink. let's enjoy this while it is here and it is not exactly the typical thing that we've seen in the past several years, enjoying the comfortable temperatures and nice news to deliver. they will only be around 90 degrees over the course of the next seven days, all the way through next weekend. temperatures around the pay staying in the lower half of the 70s. closer to 80

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degrees in the pee anyone are and sunshine. patches of frost and drizzle for the windshield wipers and the temperatures closer to the coast staying in the lower half of the 60s. a potential breakthrough to treat diseases like parkinsons. the jelly battery that could provide new hope for patients. >> and by mimicking the electric eel, we're able to make a power source on these materials. plus ditching one of their well-known quirks. why they will soon

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cancer researchers will receive $150 million thanks to the moon shot initiative. the president and first lady made the announcement today at tulane university. they also got a look at cutting edge technology that could allow doctors to see tumors in real time, reducing the need for money. and they're all working on ways to help surgeons remove cancerous tumors. >> folks, it is fair to say one of the most devastating words anyone could say. it's cancer. remove it quickly because we know the families touched by cancer are at a race for time. >> announcing a goal of cutting the cancer deaths in half. his son, beau, died from breast cancer at the age of 46. cancer is the second leading cause of death for americans after heart

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disease. something exciting, a potential breakthrough inspired by electric eels. as tina kraus reports, researchers say it could be a game changer, helping people heal. >> reporter: scientists are putting a spin on medicine with a powerful recipe. >> as you can see, it's very soft and flexible. >> reporter: that's why researchers at the university of cambridge called this the jelly battery. it looks like a sticky lego made from hydro gels. >> with about five of these stuck together, we can then make the power source. >> reporter: scientists took inspiration from electric eels, which stunned their prey with powerful pulses. >> by mimicking the electric eel, we were able to make a power source out of these

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materials, which are soft and stretchy and sort of like our brains. >> reporter: the goal is to implant it for therapeutic treatment. >> and they can last over several days of week and to power these devices for things like deep brain stimulation and trying to cure diseases like parkinsons. >> reporter: designed to work in other parts too. >> if you have them in robust places of joints, this is where you feel the real force within your body. having a material that could withstand that is important. >> reporter: while it could be years before the jelly battery is used inside bodies, scientists say they are confident that the idea will stick. >> and now in addition to being soft, researchers say the batteries are surprisingly tough that they could withstand being squashed without losing their shape and they could self-heal when damaged. up next, a new effort to

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address california's major teacher shortage as we start this new year. we will hear from one bay area educator who says governor newsom is standing in the way. >> i don't understand why that is not an option. >> a powerful union has filed labor charges against elon musk and former president donald trump over their conversation yesterday. details on the complaint. >> you get to sit in the audience, feel the creation, and be part of the creation. >> a bay area theater company giving fans a chance to go behind the scenes to see

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CBS News Bay Area: Evening Edition 5pm : KPIX : August 13, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)


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